
unusual facts about Bodily harm

Bodily Harm

Bodily harm, legal jargon used in the definition of both statutory and common law offences

see also

Ben Eager

On October 20, 2012, Eager was charged with assault, assault with bodily harm and assault with a weapon after allegedly beating up the doorman at a pub in the prestigious Rosedale neighbourhood of Toronto.

Cleveland Campbell

Cleveland was arrested and charged with grievous bodily harm after an alleged altercation at the 21st birthday party of ex-Hollyoaks' actress Gemma Atkinson in Rochdale.

Cyril Vosper

In November 1987, while a committee member of the British anti-cult group, FAIR, he was convicted in Munich on charges of false imprisonment and causing bodily harm to German Scientologist Barbara Schwarz in the course of a deprogramming attempt.

John Nardi

When Nardi threatened a bar owner with bodily harm, the then Safety Director Eliot Ness ordered him to be arrested.

Manfred Ewald

On July 18, 2000, in Berlin, both Ewald and Dr. Manfred Hoeppner, who served as East Germany's top sports doctor, were convicted of being accessories to "intentional bodily harm of athletes, including minors."