
6 unusual facts about HARM

Secret Cutting

Unlike most people, who are able to express extreme emotions outwardly through words or through tears, Dawn's only mechanism for channeling her pain is through self-injury.

Secret Cutting (also known as Painful Secrets) is a 2000 Made-for-TV movie directed by Norma Bailey, starring Kimberlee Peterson and Rhea Perlman, about a self-injurer teenager, focusing on and her relation with family, friend and acquaintances.


Self-harm, the intentional, direct injuring of one's own body without suicidal intentions


In late May, a detachment went to NAWC Pt Mugu, CA and took part in a live fire HARM shoot over the coastal waters.

During this second deployment in support of Operation NORTHERN WATCH, the Gray Wolves successfully launched the first combat HARM launches from the new Block 89A Prowler.

Following that exercise, the Gray Wolves took part in a live fire HARM shoot out of NAWC Point Mugu, CA.

328th Armament Systems Wing

The wing performed cradle-to-grave management of air dominance weapon system programs, including the AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM), AIM-9X Follow-on Sidewinder, High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) Targeting System, Miniature Air Launched Decoy, and aerial target systems.


# The Karamojong attack the villages in Amuria District to steal cattle and harm anyone who attempts to stop them.

Ansvar insurance

The company gives tangible support to individuals and organisations who work to reduce the harm that alcohol and drugs cause in society, donating a share of profits to organisations involved in alcohol and drug education rehabilitation, such as Adfam, Be Your Best Foundation, Coram, Drugscope and Hope UK.

Archuleta v. Hedrick

Based on a psychiatric evaluation and the testimony of others, the court ruled that Archuleta's release posed a substantial risk of harm to others and ordered him committed to the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri.

Beauty and the Beasts

The episode clearly reflects Battered person syndrome, through cycles of violence, apologies, forgiveness, and repeated spirals of the behavior, leading to greater and greater physical harm.

Blast-related ocular trauma

The United States Department of Defense classifies IEDs as explosive machines that are constructed exclusively (i.e., without mass production) and result in the direct physical harm of surrounding individuals.

Cleveland Campbell

Cleveland was arrested and charged with grievous bodily harm after an alleged altercation at the 21st birthday party of ex-Hollyoaks' actress Gemma Atkinson in Rochdale.

Confederation of Canadian Unions

# Promote and develop awareness of the dangers of environmental pollution and to educate members about the need to control and prevent harm to our environment;

Conservation Strategy Fund

Some notable achievements include helping to establish 1.5 million acres of protected area in central Brazil, helping local people divert the construction of a road through Volcán Barú National Park in Panama, successfully preventing construction of a dam that would have flooded significant portions of Madidi National Park in Bolivia, and delaying the paving of highway BR-319 in the Brazilian Amazon which, without proper safeguards, could have inflicted harm on the world's largest rainforest.

Dimitri Mobengo Mugianis

Dimitri is currently N'ganga-in-residence for drug users at New York Harm Reduction Educators (NYHRE), a New York needle exchange working with homeless, formerly incarcerated, and HIV-positive people in East Harlem and The Bronx.

Earth immune system

James Lovelock's book "The Revenge of Gaia" suggests that Gaia has many mechanisms for eliminating civilisations that do harm through greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, but suggests that with increasing heat being received from the sun, Gaia's ability to "bounce back" as it did after the Permian and Cretaceous extinction events, may be increasingly compromised.

Electrophysiological techniques for clinical diagnosis

The demyelination and scarring of axons in the neurons of the nervous system can affect their conduction properties and seriously harm the normal communication of the brain with the rest of the body.


Many noted health professionals, including Dr. Otis Brawley (author of "How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick In America", and currently (as of August 2012) both chief medical officer and executive vice president of the American Cancer Society), have expressed the view that this improvement in efficacy is due to the dose of esomeprazole recommended for therapy rather than any inherent superiority of esomeprazole.

FCC registration program

In telecommunication, FCC registration program is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program and associated directives intended to assure that all connected terminal equipment and protective circuitry will not harm the public switched telephone network or certain private line services.

Federal Employers Liability Act

In discussing the need for legislation to address the railroad worker's exposure to harm, U.S. Representative Henry D. Flood, a strong advocate for the passage of the FELA, referred to alarming statistics about the injuries and deaths associated with work on the railroad.

Gay Nigger Association of America

In January 2013, the GNAA collaborated with imageboard 4chan to start a "#cut4bieber" trend on Twitter, encouraging fans of pop singer Justin Bieber to practice self-harm.

Gun Crazy

Flashbacks provide a portrait of Bart who, after he kills a young chick with a BB gun at age seven, is hesitant to harm anyone with guns even though he is a good shot with a pistol.

John Nardi

When Nardi threatened a bar owner with bodily harm, the then Safety Director Eliot Ness ordered him to be arrested.

Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice

In 2007, the Canadian Minister of Health, Tony Clement, cited the journal to justify the Canadian Government's objections to harm-reduction programs.

Lem Van Adams

When Lem's nephew Ahmad (Brandon Hammond, Aaron Meeks) witnessed a drug-related murder, Baron was instrumental in protecting the boy from harm.

Manfred Ewald

On July 18, 2000, in Berlin, both Ewald and Dr. Manfred Hoeppner, who served as East Germany's top sports doctor, were convicted of being accessories to "intentional bodily harm of athletes, including minors."

Marie Ganz

The judge is very lenient, but she signs an autobiography in which she renounces anarchism and writes: "During all this time, Emma Goldman, the anarchist leader, was away on a lecture tour and out of harm's way. She paid no attention to appeals to come back and to take part in the meetings. She was making money and she was living comfortably at first-class hotels, and I became convinced that she had always been actuated by sordid motives."

Maurice Vellacott

Also in 2005, Vellacott called for legislation making it illegal to harm or kill the unborn children of mothers not planning to have abortions (such that killing a pregnant woman would constitute a double-murder).


In a letter to Larry Young, President and CEO of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-New York) expressed his concern that “with unemployment in the Rochester area nearly 10 percent, the ongoing labor shortage is not only harming the 305 workers of the RWDSU Local 200 who work in the facility, but can harm the entire Wayne County economy due to the facility's centrality to the regional and state apple market.


According to Chinese news media regulations, any matter that media outlets believe would harm the image of the Communist Party of China or its government, threaten social stability and unity, or other matters not suitable for open publication, such as corruption, social unrest, and large-scale business swindles, should be reported internally rather than publicly.


:For the campaign to reduce self-harm by gamblers, see Andrew Wilkie.


In 2007, Bill Proenza, the head of the National Hurricane Center at the time, stated in a public message that the loss of the QuikSCAT satellite would harm the quality of hurricane forecasts.

Rape culture

Some writers and speakers, such as Jackson Katz, Michael Kimmel, and Don McPherson, have said that it is intrinsically linked to gender roles that limit male self-expression and cause psychological harm to men.


There still exists, by the gate leading to Bovianum, an important inscription of about AD 168, relating to the tratture (see Apulia) in Roman days, forbidding the natives to harm the shepherds who passed along them.

Sarah Sands

In August 2006, Sands wrote an article about the Emo musical genre, which stated that Green Day and My Chemical Romance encourage self-harm among teenagers, despite Green Day having tenuous links to the emo genre and My Chemical Romance advising their fans not to commit self-harm.

Seahorse Seashell Party

When Lois tries to tell Meg that she is simply taking her own problems out on everyone else, Meg brings up her mother's delinquent past and tells her that she is far from the perfect parent, and harshly berates her for constantly and ruthlessly pointing out Meg's shortcomings and pointing out how she has neglected to protect her from harm and guide her through life in fitting in and being more like other people.

Sean Pamphilon

In April 2012, he released audio recordings related to the New Orleans Saints bounty scandal of former New Orleans Saints coach Gregg Williams instructing his players to inflict physical harm on their opponents.

Sebastian Star Bear: First Mission

The movie begins with grizzly bear cub, Griselda, being told by her mother a story about bears from prehistoric times, led by Ursus, who were sent to the stars (Ursa Major constellation) by their leader, in order to watch over the bears on Earth from there and protect them from harm.

Second Battle of St Albans

Two knights (Lord Bonville and Sir Thomas Kyriell, a veteran leader of the Hundred Years War) had sworn to let him come to no harm, and remained with him throughout.

Servando Bayo

Following orders of the British consul in Buenos Aires, a British ship was dispatched from Montevideo up the Paraná River to threaten the use of force against this harm to the kingdom's commercial interests.

Sivand Dam

Named after the nearby town of Sivand located northwest of Shiraz, it has become the center of worldwide concern due to the flooding it will cause in historical and archaeologically rich areas of Ancient Persia and possible harm it may cause to the nearby UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Persepolis and Pasargadae.


They consume decaying vegetation, but can do considerable harm in an agricultural setting by consuming seeds, roots, and root hairs in cultivated soil.

Ten Abominations

# Discord (曰不睦): to harm or sue one's husband or elder relatives.

The Hungry Earth

The Doctor and Rory capture one Silurian, Alaya (Neve McIntosh), and the Doctor instructs Rory and a local family to not harm Alaya, as it could spark a war.

Theresa Doughty Tichborne

At the remand hearing, held at the Bow Street Police Court in London, Theresa 'protested that she did not intend to do any harm to Miss Grenville' and 'her only motive' in writing to Granard (who was married to wealthy American heiress Beatrice Mills) was 'to attract attention to her case'.

Tobacco harm reduction

In October 2008 the American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) became the first medical organization in the U.S. to officially endorse tobacco harm reduction as a viable strategy to reduce the death toll related to cigarette smoking.


The development of electronic systems however took longer than anticipated and the British equipment manufacturers, particularly Automatic Telephone & Electric (ATE), which later became part of the Plessey group feared that continuing to focus the bulk of their production on Strowger equipment would harm their export sales as Crossbar had already become popular throughout the world.

Ugo da Parlascio Ebriaco

Around 1128, Gonario II, Constantine's son, the child ruler of Logudoro, was brought to Porto Torres by his regent, Ittocorre Gambella, after an attempt to harm the child had been made by the Athen family.

Wiccan Rede

According to Don Frew, Valiente composed the couplet, following Gardner's statement that witches "are inclined to the morality of the legendary Good King Pausol, 'Do what you like so long as you harm none'"; he claims the common assumption that the Rede was copied from Crowley is misinformed, and has resulted in the words often being misquoted as "an it harm none, do what thou wilt" instead of "do what you will".

King Pausole, a character in Pierre Louÿs' Les aventures du roi Pausole (The Adventures of King Pausole, published in 1901), issued a similar pair of edicts: I. — Ne nuis pas à ton voisin. II. — Ceci bien compris, fais ce qu'il te plaît. ("Do not harm your neighbor; this being well understood, do that which pleases you.") Although Gardner noted the similarity of the rede to King Pausole's words, Silver Ravenwolf believes it is more directly referencing Crowley.

William Acker

In 2008, Acker held the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act unconstitutional for imposing disproportionate punitive damages on defendants who cause no harm.

see also