
17 unusual facts about Bolsheviks

Akhmet Baytursinuli

He began to work with the Bolsheviks in 1920 when they established their dominance over the region.

Aleksei Bibik

When the Bolsheviks took power in 1917, Bibik initially stood with the socialist opposition.

Ali Mitayev

In 1919 he forged an alliance with the Bolsheviks against Denikin’s White forces provided the Bolsheviks would guarantee Chechen autonomy and Muslim religious practices within a Soviet system.

Arthur L. Bristol

Bristol then commanded Breckinridge (DD-148) and Overton (DD-239) in succession, serving in the latter during that ship's operations in the Black Sea during the capitulation of White Russian forces to the Bolsheviks in November 1920.


In 1920, after a successful attack of the Bolsheviks, it was replaced with the Bukharan People’s Soviet Republic.

Dora Levy Mossanen

She extensively researched the Tsarist era, the political upheavals and long-drawn revolutions that led to the rise of the Bolsheviks, fall of the Romanovs, and the execution of Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra, and their five children.

Georgian Jews

After the October 1917 Russian Revolution threw out the Tsar's government and replaced it with the Bolsheviks, Georgians clamored for independence from their occupiers.

James Ira Thomas Jones

After the end of hostilities, Jones volunteered to fight with the White movement against the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War and was posted to the Archangel front but saw no further air combat.

John Sherwood-Kelly

As a trial of the new weapon Kelly, who was now in command of a very mixed outfit on the railway front as part of the Vologda Force, was ordered to carry out a raid on the Bolsheviks under cover of a large ground discharge of gas.

In mid-April 1919, Sir Keith Price, a head of production at the Ministry of Munitions, wrote to the War Office urging the use of new variants of gas against the Bolsheviks in the North Russian theatre.

According to Kelly's account given shortly after to his brigadier, a series of factors accounted for his withdrawal: slow and difficult approach through marshy woods, lack of information about the progress of other columns, stiff resistance by the enemy Bolsheviks, the danger of encirclement and lack of ammunition.

Mariyka Pidhiryanka

After Austria-Hungary collapsed, Pidhiryanka remained in exile across the Carpathians from war-torn Galicia, where the West Ukrainian People's Republic was defeated by the Poles, who then fought off the Bolsheviks and annexed the territory.

Newton A. McCully

He returned there as a Rear Admiral, leading a small intelligence mission, to join the Whites and report on the strength of the Bolsheviks and their potential threat.

Panait Istrati

Istrati dealt with the mounting persecution of Old Bolsheviks and the gradual victimization of whole population groups.

The Sorrow and the Pity

The reasons include antisemitism, anglophobia, fear of Bolsheviks and Soviet invasion, the desire for power, and simple caution.

Valery Bryusov

He supported the Bolshevik government and received a position in the cultural ministry of the new Soviet state.

Vlas Doroshevich

Even though he was rich, Vlas welcomed the rise of the Bolsheviks and the Russian Revolution.

14th Punjab Regiment

The 19th Punjabis, while serving in Persia had the unique distinction of being actively engaged against the Bolsheviks in 1918 during the hard-fought actions at Merv, Kaka and Dushak in the Russian Turkestan.

19th Punjabis

In February 1916, it moved to Persia, where it had the unique distinction of being actively engaged against the Bolsheviks in 1918 during the hard-fought actions at Merv, Kaka and Dushak in the Russian Turkestan.

Armenian victims of the Great Purge

In September 1937 Stalin dispatched Anastas Mikoyan, along with Georgy Malenkov and Lavrentiy Beria, with a list of 300 names to Yerevan to oversee the liquidation of the Communist Party of Armenia (CPA), which was largely made up of Old Bolsheviks.

Basmachi movement

After the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 and the Russian Civil War began, Turkestani Muslim political movements attempted to cooperate with the Bolshevik Tashkent Soviet, forming the Kokand Autonomous Government in the Ferghana Valley.

Battle of Shenkursk

There was only one avenue of escape that had not been occupied by the Bolsheviks, an old logging trail that lead north through the forest towards the village of Vystavka.

Battle of Vystavka

In early March, after heavy bombardment by Bolsheviks, the Allies fell baback 5 more mi downstream to Kitsa.

Chuvash Autonomous Oblast

In June, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (bolsheviks) discussed the issue and recognized the need of Tsivilsky, Cheboksary, and Yadrinsky counties to form an administrative unit of Chuvash people.

Communist Party of Russia

Communist Party of the Soviet Union, formally established in 1912 and known variously as the Russian Communist Party (bolsheviks) and All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks)

Cultural Bolshevism

Several German artists, such as Max Ernst and Max Beckmann, were denounced by the Nazis as "cultural Bolsheviks".

Democratic Republic of Georgia

However, the land reform was finally well handled by the Georgian Social Democratic Party government and the country established a multi-party system in sharp contrast with the "dictatorship of the proletariat" established by the Bolsheviks in Russia.

George Shanks

Sharman Kadish - Bolsheviks and British Jews: The Anglo-Jewish Community, Britain, and the Russian Revolution - (London: Frank Case, 1992)

Mammed Said Ordubadi

His novels include Sword and the Pen, about the personality of Nizami Ganjavi, Foggy Tabriz about the Iranian constitutional revolution, also Mysterious Baku and Fighting City which both are about the revolutionary activities of Bolsheviks and 26 Baku Commissars.

March Days

On March 27, 2012, the New York State Senate adopted the first-ever legislative resolution J3784-2011 proclaiming March 31, 2012 as the Azerbaijani Remembrance Day and describing March Days as the genocide "committed by the members of Armenian Dashnak party in concert with Bolsheviks against Azerbaijanis".

Mark Vishniak

Within the exile community he was close to resolute anti-Bolsheviks like Fondaminsky and even co-operated with P.B. Struve and P.N. Miliukov.


However, that was followed by a brief Allied military intervention by the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and others against the Bolsheviks.

Mikhail Viktorov

In the Civil War he joined the Bolsheviks and commanded the cruiser Oleg and subsequently the battleships Andrei Pervozvanny and Gangut.

Natalya Bilikhodze

Natalya Petrovna Bilikhodze (1900 – December 2000) is one of several women to make the claim that she was Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, who was killed with her family by Bolsheviks at Yekaterinburg, Russia on July 17, 1918.

Polish I Corps in Russia

After the temporary breakdown of the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations on February 10, the Corps also received a status of auxiliary unit from the Germans and joined the German offensive against the Bolsheviks on February 18, taking Minsk.

Revolutionary committee

In other cases they were created underground from local populations under the guidance of Bolsheviks, which subsequently organized an insurgency and then invited the Red Army for help, as it was, e.g., in the case of the Azerbaijani Revkom, which seized power in Baku when English troops were evacuated and then asked Moscow for help.

Russian Revolution

During the Civil War, Nestor Makhno led a Ukrainian anarchist movement, the Black Army allied to the Bolsheviks thrice, one of the powers ending the alliance each time.

Santeri Nuorteva

On May 10, 1918, when the government Nuorteva represented had been overthrown, an audience of Socialists filled New York City's Carnegie Hall to hear him denounce the Finnish anti-Bolsheviks as allies of the German Junker class and not friends of America and its allies as they claimed.

Socialist Homeland is in Danger!

Richard Pipes in his work "The Bolsheviks in the struggle for power" draws attention to the last bullets of the decree.

Soviet art

However the latter sought too much independence from the ruling Communist Party of Bolsheviks, gained negative attitude of Vladimir Lenin, by 1922 declined considerably, and was eventually disbanded in 1932.

Supreme War Council

Lloyd George proposed dropping the blockade of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic by starting negotiations with the "Russian people" in the form of the centrosoyuz, which at that time was not controlled by the Bolsheviks.

Symon Petliura

During the winter of 1919 the Petliura army lost most of Ukraine (including Kiev) to Bolsheviks and by March 6 relocated to Podolie.

Tetyana Kardynalovska

Tetyana later married a former Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionary and writer Serhiy Pylypenko who in 1919 joined the ranks of Bolsheviks and was a Combrig of the Red Army.

Timofei Sapronov

Sapronov was expelled from the party at the fifteenth Party Congress in December 1927 with the rest of the inner party opposition and was deported to the Crimea.


The lake was the site of the Battle of Tolbo Lake (1921) during the Russian Civil War where Bolsheviks and Mongolian allies defeated an army of White Russians.

Valiko Jugheli

After the split within the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, to which he was a member, Jugheli sided with the Bolsheviks, but later defected to the Menshevik faction and became an influential member.

Viktor Chernov

Following the Bolsheviks' seizure of power, he became a member of an anti-Bolshevik government in Samara, before fleeing to Europe and then the United States.

Vladimir Highway

After the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks were keen to get rid of the notorious name, rebranding the Moscow section of the road as Shosse Entuziastov ("Enthusiasts' Highway").

West Russian Volunteer Army

The Estonians sent two armoured trains to aid the Latvians (according to some explanations, in exchange for Latvia ceding the island of Ruhnu and its territorial waters to Estonia) while the Lithuanians were engaged in battles with the Bolsheviks and could only issue diplomatic protests.