
unusual facts about Bomb-making instructions on the internet

Bomb-making instructions on the internet

Mike Godwin, then of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, claimed that journalists have played a key role in linking the creation of "bombs" with "the Internet" in the public conscious.

92d Operations Group

It tested the secret Disney rocket-assisted-bomb experimental mission early in 1945, and led the Eighth Air Force on its last combat mission of the war.

Amiriyah shelter bombing

Charles E. Allen, the CIA's National Intelligence Officer for Warning supported the selection of bomb targets during the Persian Gulf War.

ARA Narwal

A boarding party of British SBS men reached the target via a Sea King Mk.4 of 846 Naval Air Squadron and captured the ship dead in the water, taking off all of the men, and the body of Omar Alberto Rupp, the boatswain of the Argentine trawler, killed by the impact of the bomb.

Armed helicopter

The CH-47 was used most often to assist in the clearing of bunkers, using an improvised bomb made from 55-gallon drums of bulk CS powder, designated Bomb, Fuze, and Burster, CS in 55-gallon Drum, XM920.


It had taken off on its way with the rest of the squadron on a mission to bomb the industrial complex at Solingen, Germany.

Backward Society Education

A large bomb was detonated by the Maoists at BASE's office in Dhangadi which forced BASE to suspend operations temporarily.

Bali bombings

The 2005 Bali bombings, a series of terrorist suicide bombs, and a series of car bomb attacks that occurred on October 1 2005, in Bali, Indonesia

Battle of the V-1

The film tells the story of a Polish Resistance group which discovers details of the manufacture of the German V-1 'Flying Bomb' at Peenemünde in 1943.


The shape and size mean that the BLU-116 could be used by unmodified existing aircraft and bomb guidance units such as the GPS guided GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munition and GBU-24 Paveway III laser-guided bomb.

Brighter Than A Thousand Suns

"Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists", the first published account of the Manhattan Project and the German atomic bomb project by Robert Jungk

Chevron Cars

The Chevron Cars television ads have been parodied in several television shows, including Robot Chicken, the animated comedy Family Guy (episode "Deep Throats"), and a MADtv sketch in which one of the cars gets fitted with a bomb and explodes after asking questions about the ticking.

Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners

FLLF operations came to a sudden halt just prior to the June 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, only to be resumed the following year with four huge car-bomb attacks: the first one on 28 January 1983 struck a PLO headquarters at Chtaura in the Syrian-controlled Beqaa Valley, killing 40, coupled by a second on 3 February at West Beirut that devastated the Palestine Research Center offices and left 20 people dead.

Future Wars

Thanks to the documents the hero was carrying, they determined that the third bomb was planted in the Cretaceous period.

G. B. Pegram

Following Marcus Oliphant's mission to the USA in August 1941 to alert the Americans to the feasibility of an atomic bomb, in autumn 1941 Pegram and Urey led a diplomatic mission to the United Kingdom to establish co-operation on development of the atomic bomb.

Gerboise Bleue

The series included the most powerful bomb ever tested, the 50-megaton (50,000 kt) "Tsar Bomba", which was detonated over Novaya Zemlya.

Gunnar Johansen

He organized conferences which included such notables as Edward Teller, inventor of the American hydrogen bomb, and Buckminster Fuller, inventor of the geodesic dome.

Haraden Pratt

During World War II, Pratt served as Division Chief in the Office of Scientific Research and Development and was Chairman of the Radio Technical Planning Board 1945-1949, and in 1946 was an official observer of the Bikini atomic bomb tests.

Henschel Hs 129

Though equipped with generally unsuitable designs such as the Henschel Hs 123 and cannon-armed versions of the Heinkel He 112, their armament and pilots proved that the aircraft was a very effective weapon even without bombs.


The character next features in the story-line of "Dark Son" from writers Greg Pak and Scott Redd, which runs bi-weekly in Incredible Hulks #611-617, the renamed Incredible Hulk comic book (as it will feature Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Skaar, She-Hulk, A-Bomb and Korg), leading on from events in the "Fall of the Hulks" and "World War Hulks" storylines.

History of the Teller–Ulam design

On November 1, 1952, the Teller-Ulam configuration was tested in the "Ivy Mike" shot at an island in the Enewetak atoll, with a yield of 10.4 megatons (over 450 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki during World War II).

Hoad Monument

This epithet was famously used by Lord Haw-Haw during one of his propaganda broadcasts of World War II when he warned the residents of Ulverston that the German Air Force would bomb their pepper pot.

Hong Kong 1967 Leftist riots

The legacy of the 1967 Hong Kong riots extends even to the Chinese lexicon; in Cantonese, a home-made bomb is often referred to as a Boh Loh (lit. Pineapple).

Hussein Dokmak

Hussein Dokmak (born on December 13, 1981 in Lebanon - died on June 13, 2007 in Beirut, Lebanon) was an association football player who died from the results of a car bomb outside the Al Manara Stadium in which Lebanese politician Walid Eido was killed.

King's Park F.C.

The fortunes of the club were hit further in 1941 when a Luftwaffe Heinkel III dropped a single Hermann bomb on Forthbank - one of only German two bombs that hit the town during the war, and was believed to be merely one that had been finally successfully dislodged by the crew after becoming "stuck" in its bomb cradle when its payload had been dropped elsewhere (a not uncommon problem for bomber crews during the war).

Koko Kondo

In 1955, both appeared on the popular television program This Is Your Life where they were placed in the uncomfortable position of meeting with Captain Robert A. Lewis, copilot of the Enola Gay, which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Lars Gule

Gule has explained that the DFLP proposed three targets for him: a bomb could be placed either be in a pedestrian underpass in Tel Aviv, in the President Hotel in Jerusalem or outside an apartment complex with gas containers outside in what was called a “bourgeois neighborhood”.

Lavochkin La-11

On November 30, 1951, 16 La-11 fighter pilots of the 4th Fighter Aviation Regiment, Chinese People's Volunteer Army (PVA) were escorting 9 Tu-2 PVA bombers to bomb the South Korean island of Taehwa-do (대화도/大和島), in the Pansong archipelago.

Mactan-Cebu International Airport

Authorities later found out that Ramzi Yousef planted the bomb on the airliner to test the bomb for his Project Bojinka plot.

McDonald Ranch House

The weapon used against Hiroshima was a uranium bomb, a type not tested prior to its use in World War II, because it had a simpler design.

The test occurred on July 16, 1945; a plutonium bomb was tested, the type of weapon later dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

Neo-Communist Party of the Soviet Union

In April 1977, NCPSU members once again became objects of KGB investigation, this time the one related to 1977 Moscow bombings – bomb explosions in Moscow Metro and on 25 October Street (now: Nikolskaya Street).

October 2013 Burma bombings

Small bomb blasts occurred frequently under previous military regime, and were normally blamed on armed ethnic groups, although many believed the authorities were behind the explosions.

Operation Boswilger

PLAN insurgents entered South West Africa damaging a bridge between Epali and Ondangwa, sabotaging telephone poles, mortaring the Eenhana base and a bomb was detonated at the Ongwediva Teachers Training College.

Oregon Trail, Wells Springs Segment

Bomb craters near the trail were created by practice bombing runs during World War II, when the range was controlled by the United States Army.

Philip McGough

He appeared as Sergeant Calder, a member of the British Army's bomb disposal squad, in the 1984 Doctor Who story Resurrection of the Daleks.

Philippine Airlines Flight 434

Yousef removed an altered Casio digital watch from his wrist to be used as a timer, unpacked the remaining materials from his dopp kit, and assembled his bomb.

Professor Bobo

Bobo ultimately becomes one of her henchmen after his planet is destroyed when Mike Nelson helps the apes and their new mutant friends activate an atomic bomb (a reference to PotA sequel Beneath the Planet of the Apes).

Proxy bomb

2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rangers, was posthumously awarded the QGM as he tried to warn his comrades about the bomb rather than running for cover.

Raffaele Ganci

He also gave testimony about his father and his brothers and their involvement in Mafia killings such as the car-bomb that killed Antimafia judge Chinnici in 1983, police officers Ninni Cassarà, captain D'Aleo and the first pentito, Leonardo Vitale.

Srbská Kamenice

On 27 January 1972, Serbian stewardess Vesna Vulović was the only person on board to survive the crash of JAT Yugoslav Flight 364 after Croatian Ustašas set up the bomb, which exploded 10,160 meters (33,000 ft) above Srbská Kamenice.

Terrorist incidents in Pakistan in 2006

11 April:- Over 50 people, including Sunni (Barelvi) scholars, were killed in a bomb explosion at a religious gathering celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad in Nishtar Park, Karachi.

The Scandal of Scientology

using her typewriter and paper with her fingerprints on it; further plans included bomb threats to be sent to Henry Kissinger.

The Time Ships

Some time later, a German Messerschmitt plane arrives over the campsite, drops a Carolinum bomb (analogous to an atomic bomb in our world; see Wells's The World Set Free), and devastates the time-traveling Juggernauts and all but twelve of the Force.

The Troubles in Crossmaglen

4 March 1978 - Nicholas Smith (20), 7 Platoon, B Company, 2 RGJ, Royal Green Jackets, British Army was killed by a Provisional Irish Republican Army booby trap bomb while removing an Irish flag from a telegraph pole in Crossmaglen.

Theodore Hall

Igor Kurchatov, a brilliant scientist and the head of the Soviet atomic bomb effort, probably used information provided by Klaus Fuchs to confirm corresponding information provided earlier by Hall.

Thomas Begley

Begley was killed when a bomb he was planting on the Shankill Road, West Belfast, Northern Ireland intending to kill Johnny Adair and senior members of the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) exploded prematurely, killing him, a UDA member and eight Protestant civilians.

Thomas Cockcroft

Later in 1944 he helped defend London again during the Flying bomb offensive, Operation Diver; this time from East Anglia, which became know locally as 'Bomb Alley'.

Tower 270

The initial proposed name for the development of the atomic bomb was "Laboratory for the Development of Substitute Materials." Fearing the name would draw undue attention General Leslie Groves changed it to the "Manhattan Engineer District" which was eventually shortened to the Manhattan Project.

William McGhee

He was among the soldiers exposed to atmospheric nuclear testing at Yucca Flats, Nevada to measure the bomb's consequences.

Zero Wing

This introductory scene was translated by Sega of Europe to English from Japanese rather poorly for the European release (a phenomenon dubbed Engrish), resulting in dialogue such as "Somebody set up us the bomb", "All your base are belong to us", and "You have no chance to survive make your time".

see also