
unusual facts about Boniface I, Marquess of Montferrat

Boniface I, Marquess of Montferrat

There were numerous skirmishes and raids, including at Ricaldone and Caranzano, but by 1199 it was clear the war was lost, and Boniface entered into negotiations.

Boniface joined the Cremona League, while the two cities joined the League of Milan.

He instructed them to attack the rebellious cities of Trieste, Moglia, and Zara and beat them into submission before sailing for Cairo.

Boniface of Tuscany

Boniface I, Margrave of Tuscany (died 823), governor of Italy under Charlemagne after the death of King Pepin

March of Tuscany

Before him, his father and grandfather, Count Boniface I of Lucca and Boniface II, probably of Bavarian origin, had controlled most of the counties of the region and had held higher titles as well, such as a Prefect of Corsica or a Duke of Lucca.

see also