
unusual facts about Book of Judges

Joshua Judges Ruth

The album's title is a pun made up of the names of three books that appear sequentially in the Old Testament: Joshua, Judges, and Ruth.

Battle of Karánsebes

Gideon, who led the Israelites to cause a similar friendly-fire incident in the Midianites camp, according to the Book of Judges

Deborah number

It was originally proposed by Markus Reiner, a professor at Technion in Israel, inspired by a verse in the Bible, stating "The mountains flowed before the Lord" in a song by prophetess Deborah (Judges 5:5).

John Thunstone

The blade is inscribed with a text from Judges chapter 5 in the Vulgate, "Sic pereant omnes inimici tui" — "thus perish all your enemies".


In the Book of Judges, the great oak tree in Zaanaim is stated to be near Kedesh, though this verse could be a reference to a second Tel Kedesh, located 3 km to the south of Megiddo, within the territory of the Israelite tribe of Issachar.

Theophile Meek

He pointed out that the Song of Deborah (Judges ch. 5) does not seem to know the three Judah territory tribes, but early stages of Joshua do, and that they were thus perhaps transposed in time.

see also