
3 unusual facts about Boudica

Avalon Series

Taking place prior to The Forest House, Ravens of Avalon (2007) adapts the story of the historical Celtic warrior-queen Boudica of the Iceni tribe, who resists the rule of Britain by the forces of Rome.

Boudica - Celtic warrior queen who rebels against the Romans

Patrick Man

In retirement he wrote The Great Rebellion of Queen Boudicca, a historical novel about Queen Boudica.

Alex Leigh

Many catwalk shows for well-known designers such as Betty Jackson, Tristan Webber, Jasper Conran, Dai Rees and Boudica have featured her.

Ella Kenion

guest starring an episode of Big Finish's Doctor Who Wrath of the Iceni, where she played Boudica, Celtic queen of Britain with Tom Baker.

Gaius Suetonius Paulinus

Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, also spelled Paullinus, (fl. 1st century) was a Roman general best known as the commander who defeated the rebellion of Boudica.

Mary Mackie

Her historical novel The People of the Horse (1987), about Queen Boudicca of the Iceni, was translated into Czech and Hungarian.


While the governor Gaius Suetonius Paullinus and his troops were busy capturing the island of Mona (Anglesey) from the druids, the tribes of the southeast staged a revolt led by queen Boudica of the Iceni.

Vanessa Collingridge

In 2000 she quit her television presenter's job on Tonight with Trevor McDonald to author two biographies, one of eighteenth century explorer James Cook and one of Celtic warrior queen Boudica.

see also