
unusual facts about Boulevard Montmartre: Mardi Gras

Boulevard Montmartre: Mardi Gras

This work has an influence of Pointillism which Pissarro tested as an emerging "scientific" theory of art before creating this work.

Édouard Verreaux

Veraux, pére et fils, naturalistes préparateurs, boulevard Montmartre, No. 6, 1833 - Cataloged objects of natural history, component of the firm Veraux, father and son, preparer-naturalists, Boulevard Montmartre, No. 6.

Mademoiselle Montansier

Forced to leave the Palais-Royal by decree in 1806 (the neighbouring Comédiens-Français finding that she kept them in the shade) but still infatigable, she convinced Napoleon to authorise her to build a new theatre on the boulevard Montmartre, despite a decree limiting the number of theatres in Paris to just 8.

see also