In the world of data-exchange, STEP, the Standard for the Exchange of Product Model data also defines some data models for boundary representations.
proportional representation | Representation of the People Act 1884 | representation | Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness | Boundary Commission | representation theory | Representation of the People Act 1918 | Proportional representation | List of Buckinghamshire boundary changes | Interstellar Boundary Explorer | West Coast Group Representation Constituency | Representation theory of finite groups | Regional District of Kootenay Boundary | Party-list proportional representation | Oregon boundary dispute | List of Berkshire boundary changes | Husimi Q representation | Boundary-Similkameen | Boundary marker | Boundary Dam | boundary (cricket) | Boundary Creek | boundary | United States and Mexican Boundary Survey | Symbolic linguistic representation | Schematic representation of a ''Chlamydomonas | Riesz representation theorem | Representation theory | Representation (systemics) | Representation (politics) |
For example: is the data wireframe, surface, or solid; is the topology (BREP) information required; must the face and edge identifications be preserved on subsequent modification; must the feature information and history be preserved between systems; and is PMI annotation to be transferred.