
5 unusual facts about Bowie knife

32nd Regiment Alabama Infantry

His offer to Secretary of War James Seddon included a proposal to arm each enlisted man in his regiment with a Bowie knife and a pike.

Benjamin McCulloch

He acquired a reputation as an Indian fighter, favoring shotguns, pistols, and Bowie knives to the regulation saber and carbine.

Hans Landa

Ultimately, Landa is punished for his actions by Lt. Aldo Raine, who carves a swastika into his forehead with a Bowie knife, ironically marking the apolitical careerist as a Nazi for life.

Rezin Bowie

Rezin Pleasant Bowie (September 8, 1793 – January 17, 1841) was an American inventor and designer of the Bowie knife.

There is disagreement among scholars as to whether the knife used in this fight was the same kind of knife now known as a Bowie knife.

Horace Dimick

The stock on hand of these gentlemen consists of every thing embraced in the paraphernalia of the sportsman- Guns, Pistols, Colt's Revolvers, Rifles, Bowie Knives, Dirks, Revolvers of different patterns, Fishing Tackle in the greatest abundance, Game Bags, etc

Jimmy Lile

In addition to creating the Rambo knives, Lile designed and made several Bowie knives that he presented to Governor Bill Clinton and U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Other owners of his work included John Wayne, Peter Fonda, Fess Parker, Bo Derek, and Johnny Cash.

John Nelson Cooper

Cooper made knives used in film and television such as the Arkansas toothpick in The Sacketts and a Bowie knife for Jeremiah Johnson.

see also

Gil Hibben

While in Louisville, Hibben was contacted by Sylvester Stallone to make a modern version of a Bowie knife for the film Rambo III.

Rezin Bowie

Bowie took credit for inventing the Bowie knife, which came to prominence when used by James in the Sandbar Fight in 1827.