On the professional circuit Kearns upset world's #1 duathlete Ken Souza and world #1 ranked triathlete Scott Molina at the inaugural Desert Princess duathlon in November, 1986 as an unranked rookie professional.
Since 2008, Kearns has worked with Mark Sisson to create the Primal Blueprint books and evolutionary-based diet, exercise and lifestyle movement
Brad Pitt | Brad Henry | Brad Mehldau | Brad Friedel | Doris Kearns Goodwin | Brad Templeton | Brad Paisley | Brad Dourif | Brad Wardell | Brad Keywell | Brad Johnson | Brad Haddin | Brad Thor | Brad Meester | Brad Keselowski | Brad Vigon | Brad Trost | Brad Rutter | Brad Pickett | Brad McQuaid | Brad McEwan | Brad Gilbert | Brad Fittler | Brad Bird | Thomas Kearns | Phil Kearns | Kearns, Utah | Burt Kearns | Brad Wood | Brad Slaight |