Neely's work includes the comic series "Creased Comics" and the Harry Potter spoof Wizard People, Dear Reader, which consists of an alternate soundtrack of narration in the style of a book on tape, which viewers can play over the muted movie.
Brad Neely is an American comic book artist and television writer/producer known for his work on TV series such as South Park, China, IL, Wizard People, Dear Reader, and the web series I Am Baby Cakes & The Professor Brothers.
Neely worked on a comedy novel about the Civil War, but when asked about it at an event at the Alamo Draft House in Austin, Texas said, "I realized about 500 pages in that it wasn't that funny," and said that he is no longer planning on releasing the book.
Both well known (Bill Viola, William Basinski, Yes Men, Brad Neely, CrimethInc., Jennifer Steinkamp) and emerging media artists have shown works in Freewaves programs.
Brad Pitt | Brad Henry | Brad Mehldau | Brad Friedel | Brad Templeton | Brad Paisley | Brad Dourif | Brad Wardell | Brad Keywell | Brad Johnson | Brad Haddin | Cam Neely | Brad Thor | Brad Meester | Brad Keselowski | Brad Vigon | Brad Trost | Brad Rutter | Brad Pickett | Brad McQuaid | Brad McEwan | Brad Gilbert | Brad Fittler | Brad Bird | Brad Wood | Brad Slaight | Brad Peacock | Brad Norton | Brad Mills (infielder) | Brad Mills |