
3 unusual facts about Bradford & Bingley

Anthony Fry

He has also sat on the Appeals Board of the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers and was appointed by HM Treasury to serve on the appointments panel for the valuers for Northern Rock, Bradford & Bingley and Dunfermline Building Society.


Crossflatts is also the home of UK Asset Resolution Ltd (UKAR), responsible for administering all remaining old Bradford & Bingley mortgages in the UK.

Kerry Pollard

He urged Bradford & Bingley members to vote against moves to force Britain's second-largest building society to convert to a bank, saying "the early day motion will express the fear that were Bradford & Bingley Building Society to become a bank, the entire building society movement will be damaged directly."

Bingley Permanent Building Society

Bingley Permanent Building Society was a UK building society, which merged with the Bradford Equitable Building Society in 1964 to form the Bradford & Bingley Building Society.

Church of All Saints, Bingley

The first records of the church indicate it was rebuilt some time after 1066 by the Lord of the Manor, William Paganel, who gave it, with other possessions of his, to Drax Priory in the time of Archbishop Thurstan (1119–1140).

All Saints Church is the Anglican parish church in the town of Bingley, West Yorkshire, England.

see also