Brauer's theorem on the representability of zero by forms over certain fields in sufficiently many variables
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Friedrich Moritz Brauer (1832–1904), Austrian entomologist and museum director
Large late 19th-century paintings by T. Alexander Harrison and Elizabeth Nourse; Impressionist paintings by Karl Anderson, Childe Hassam and Robert Reid, and urban realist paintings by William Glackens and John Sloan also comprise some of the Brauer Museum's permanent collection of over 2,700 pieces.
Kristina Bach (born Kerstin Bräuer on 7 April 1962 in Mettmann, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) is a German "Schlager" singer, lyricist, and music producer.
-- result unclear; still searching --> On April 16, 2001 in an appearance on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, Brauer acknowledged that she did not directly decline or refuse to fill the prescription but, rather, lied to the customer by saying the pharmacy was out of stock of the contraceptive in question (Micronor), which Brauer holds is designed to "terminate a human life that has already begun".
Working as an architect for I. M. Pei from 1952 until 1953, he joined Marcel Brauer as an architect at UNESCO in Paris.
When the Nazi Party took over in 1933, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars took action to help Brauer and other Jewish scientists.
: As a possible indicator for economic sentiment, Bräuer moved to Bubenreuth to reunite with the expelled Schönbacher craftsmen in the spring of 1968.
Brauer was the guest of honor at the April 1989 Three Stooges convention held in Trevose, Pennsylvania.