
unusual facts about Birch's theorem


Birch's theorem about the representability of zero by odd degree forms

3rd Open Russian Festival of Animated Film

The 3rd Open Russian Festival of Animated Film was held in from Feb. 5-9 in 1998 at a boarding house called "Birch Grove" two kilometres from the town of Tarusa, Russia.

Aurgazinsky District

Oak, birch, linden, and aspen forests occupy about 18% of the area and a total of 27.3% is wooded.


Originally developed in 2003 the wood used in the Automoblox range was Canadian Maple, for the 2005 range the wood was changed to European Birch.

Baffin Bay

There are about 400 plant and tree species on the bay shores, including birch, willow, alder and plants adapted to salty soils, as well as lyme grass, mosses, and lichens.

Beck's theorem

Both appeared, alongside several other important theorems, in a well-known paper by József Beck.

Betula populifolia

Like other North American birches, gray birch is highly resistant to the Bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius).

Birch bark manuscript

On July 26, 1951, during excavations in Novgorod, a Soviet expedition led by Artemiy Artsikhovsky found the first Russian birch bark writing in a layer dated to c.

Birch leafminer

Presently there is no commercially available biological control agent to control Amber marked birch leafminers, however Canadian trees in the Edmonton area have been successfully controlled with releases of a parasitic wasp, Lathrolestes luteolator.

Birch Monroe

Birch Monroe (1901 – 1982) was a notable early bluegrass fiddler, bassist, founding member of the Monroe brothers, and older brother to Bill Monroe.

In 1934, Birch chose the stability of working at the refinery to support his sisters while Charlie and Bill went on to perform on KFNF in Shenandoah, Iowa.

Bird-voiced tree frog

Its favored habitat is wooded swamps near streams and rivers where the dominant species include cypress, birch, tupelo, and buttonbush.

Bloch's theorem

For the theorem named after Felix Bloch on wave functions of a particle in a periodic potential, see Bloch wave.

Browning, Wisconsin

Soil is principally 2nd Rate Timber Hemlock Birch Sugar White Pine Spruce and Fir and it is well watered by numerous Small Streams of pure water.

Ceva's theorem

But it was proven much earlier by Yusuf Al-Mu'taman ibn Hűd, an eleventh-century king of Zaragoza.

Copeland–Erdős constant

The constant is irrational; this can be proven with Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions or Bertrand's postulate (Hardy and Wright, p. 113) or Ramare's theorem that every even integer is a sum of at most six primes.

Courtnie Bull

Courtnie Bull (born November 8, 1990) is an American actress who appeared as a supporting actress in roles such as Murder at 75 Birch, Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder portraying Grace Ingalls, and a small role in the film Friends & Lovers.

Dupuyer Creek

It rises in the Lewis and Clark National Forest at the continental divide in northwestern Teton County and flows northwest down from the mountains, past Dupuyer, and joins Birch Creek in Pondera County 2 mi (3.2 km) west of Valier.

Endre Szemerédi

Ajtai and Szemerédi proved the corners theorem, an important step toward higher dimensional generalizations of the Szemerédi theorem.

Fermat's theorem

The works of 17th century mathematician Pierre de Fermat engendered many theorems.

Harri Koskinen

Also very well known for the two variants of his Fatty container (models 7150 and 7100) designed in 1998 for Schmidinger; basically very expensive vinyl record carrying box and storage units respectively, made from Birch plywood with rounded corners as well as a well designed and finished construction.

Henry Baigent

The principal timber milled was white, red, and black pine, totara, rimu, and birch.

Henstock–Kurzweil integral

Cousin's theorem states that for every gauge \delta, such a \delta-fine partition P does exist, so this condition cannot be satisfied vacuously.

Hilbert's theorem

Hilbert's basis theorem, in commutative algebra, stating every ideal in the ring of multivariate polynomials over a Noetherian ring is finitely generated

Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, in number theory, concerning irreducible polynomials

Hilbert's syzygy theorem, a result of commutative algebra in connection with the syzygy problem of invariant theory

Hilbert's Theorem 90, an important result on cyclic extensions of fields that leads to Kummer theory

Kellogg's theorem

Kellogg's theorem is a pair of related results in the mathematical study of the regularity of harmonic functions on sufficiently smooth domains by Oliver Dimon Kellogg.

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test

This result may also be known as the Kolmogorov theorem; see Kolmogorov's theorem for disambiguation.


Kōmura's theorem, result on the differentiability of absolutely continuous Banach space-valued functions

Lafayette, Chippewa County, Wisconsin

The timber is small and thrifty - chiefly Maple, Birch Oak, Elm Ash and some small Pine.

Lake Mashū

On the slopes around and above the lake grow a mixture of evergreen forest with Picea jezoensis and Abies sachalinensis and birch forest with Betula ermanii.

Montel's theorem

For example, the first version of Montel's theorem stated above is the analog of Liouville's theorem, while the second version corresponds to Picard's theorem.

Morley's theorem

Morley's categoricity theorem, a theorem related to model theory, discovered by Michael D. Morley

Pfaffian function

In the 1990s, Alex Wilkie showed that one has the same result if instead of adding every analytic function, one just adds the exponential function to R to get the ordered real field with exponentiation, Rexp, a result known as Wilkie's theorem.

Pulverised fuel ash

The floral succession approximates to that of a coastal dune system, without the wind-blown deposition, so salt-tolerant plants are replaced by an attractive sward of legumes and perennials before turning to birch/willow scrub woodland.

Rado graph

Then, for any sets U and V, by the Chinese remainder theorem, the numbers that are quadratic resides modulo every prime in U and nonresidues modulo every prime in V form a periodic sequence, so by Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions this number-theoretic graph has the extension property.


Brauer's theorem on the representability of zero by forms over certain fields in sufficiently many variables

Rock, Wood County, Wisconsin

The general character of this Township is 2d & 3d rate the soil is mostly poor loam & sand, the timber is mostly Birch Oak Aspen TamaracK & Pine the Pine is 2d growth & very poor.

Rouché's theorem

Theodor Estermann (1902–1991) proved in his book Complex Numbers and Functions the following relation: Let K\subset G be a bounded region with continuous boundary \partial K.

Savitch's theorem

In computational complexity theory, Savitch's theorem, proved by Walter Savitch in 1970, gives a relationship between deterministic and non-deterministic space complexity.

Sherry, Wisconsin

This Township is heavily Timbered with Maple Oak Birch & Pine Maple Oak & Birch being the prevailing Kinds - along the Border(?) of Mill Creek there is some good scattering Pine - along the Border(?) of the small stream (?) almost invariably(?) find alder thickets caused by Beaver dams.

Superslow process

Stagnation zones theorems are closely related to pre-Liouville's theorems about evaluation of solutions fluctuation, which direct consequences are the different versions of the classic Liouville theorem about conversion of the entire doubly periodic function into the identical constant.

Syamadas Mukhopadhyaya

Syamadas Mukhopadhyaya (June 22, 1866 – May 8, 1937) was an Indian mathematician who introduced the four-vertex theorem and Mukhopadhyaya's theorem in plane geometry.

Taylor's theorem

An earlier version of the result is already mentioned in 1671 by James Gregory.

The Records

Returning to the UK, Will Birch engaged the services of producer Craig Leon to record two new songs and to remix two tracks from Shades in Bed for a possible single release.

They were hired to back Stiff Records singer Rachel Sweet on the "Be Stiff Tour '78". The Records opened the shows with a set of their own. Birch and Wicks also wrote a song for Sweet's debut album entitled "Pin a Medal on Mary". The songwriting duo also penned "Hearts in Her Eyes" for the Searchers, who made an unexpected comeback with their power pop oriented album The Searchers in 1979.

Thévenin's theorem

The theorem was independently derived in 1853 by the German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz and in 1883 by Léon Charles Thévenin (1857–1926), an electrical engineer with France's national Postes et Télégraphes telecommunications organization.


The station is owned by Birch Broadcasting and is currently playing string arrangements of classic rock and pop music performed by the Vitamin String Quartet.

see also