
3 unusual facts about Brendan Hughes

Brendan Hughes

He was appointed to the IRA's Internal Security Unit and liaised between Northern Command and rural units in Tyrone and Armagh.

Against the wishes of the IRA Army Council, on 27 October 1980, Hughes along with six other republican prisoners, including Tom McFeely, John Nixon, Sean McKenna, Tommy McKearney and Raymond McCartney, refused food and started a hunger strike.

He was a cousin of Charles Hughes, who was the OC of D Company in the Provisional IRA Belfast Brigade during the Falls Curfew, and was shot and killed in March 1971 by the Official Irish Republican Army during the feud between the Provisional and Official IRA.

Anthony McIntyre

McIntyre was involved with the Boston College oral history project on the Irish troubles, conducting interviews with former IRA members such as Brendan Hughes and Dolours Price and loyalists such as David Ervine.

Ivor Bell

During Gerry Adams' initial career in the republican movement he took much of his direction from Brendan Hughes and Bell.

see also