
6 unusual facts about Brethren of the Free Spirit

Brethren of the Free Spirit

:"It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split the piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." (Gospel of Thomas)

The Brethren of the Free Spirit are the main antagonists of the science fiction trilogy Venus Prime by Arthur C. Clarke & Paul Preuss, in which the members believe that first contact between aliens from Crux and humanity should be with them only.

A peculiarity of some of the writings and doctrines of the Free Spirit movement is in their echoes of Gnostic ideas in texts such as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Philip.

:"The one who has Knowledge is a free person. But the free person does not sin, for the one who sins is a slave of sin." (Gospel of Philip 77:15–18)

Whether these echoes are circumstantial or not is up for debate, especially as these Gospels were presumed lost until their discovery among the Nag Hammadi manuscripts in the 20th Century.

Free Spirit

Brethren of the Free Spirit, a Christian movement in northern Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries

see also