
unusual facts about Brian R. McClure

Brian R. McClure

Brian R. McClure is a founding National Consultant of Ambit Energy.

Addison S. McClure

While he was not reelected in 1882, he was elected to the Fifty-fourth Congress (March 4, 1895-March 3, 1897).

Arden R. Smith

On July 1, 2012, Smith was appointed to the Volapük Academy by the Cifal, Brian R. Bishop, for his work with conlangs in general and provision of internet resources for Volapük in particular.

Brian James

Brian R. James (born 1974), American game designer and software engineer

Brian R. James

As a writer, Brian is best known for his online and print works for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game published by Wizards of the Coast.

Most recently he led the design of Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue (2012), covering the sinister underdark metropolis famous for birthing the drow Drizzt Do'Urden.

This work eventually caught the eye of senior Wizards of the Coast developers, was purchased by the company and then published as a print sourcebook: The Grand History of the Realms.

Brian R. Price

Price is a co-founder and, until early 2011, was the long-time curriculum director of the Schola Saint George school of Historical European martial arts.

The Royal Book of Jousting, Horsemanship, and Knightly Combat: a Translation into English of King Dom Duarte’s 1438 Treatise Livro da Ensinança de Bem cavalgar Toda Sela (The Art of Riding in Every Saddle), translated by Antonio Franco Preto and edited by Dr. Steven Muhlberger.

In the 1990s, Price was also instrumental in establishing the Company of Saint George, a "Tournament Company" within the SCA dedicated to staging historically accurate tournaments and pas d'armes in an SCA context.

Compton I. White, Jr.

White was re-elected in the Democratic landslide of 1964, but was defeated for a third term in 1966 by Republican state senator Jim McClure of Payette.

James McClure

James H. McClure, British crime author and journalist, born in South Africa

S. S. McClure

McClure's Magazine published influential pieces by respected journalists and authors including Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Burton J. Hendrick, Rudyard Kipling, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Willa Cather, and Lincoln Steffens.

see also