
5 unusual facts about Brian Wansink

Brian Wansink

Wansink has also been a Visiting Professor at the Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam) and Insead (Fountainbleau, France), and he was a Visiting Research Scientist at the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center (Natick, MA) where he helped design ways to improve the acceptability and consumption of MREs (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) for the United States Army.

He served with the Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services, Nancy Montanez Johner.

Food and Brand Lab

The Food and Brand Lab -- originally known as the "Brand Lab" -- was first established by Brian Wansink while he was a marketing professor at Dartmouth College (1990-1994) and focused on individual food choices.

Marketing Nutrition

Marketing Nutrition is a book that examines the intersection of consumer psychology, nutrition, and business and which is written by Cornell professor and current Executive Director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Brian Wansink.

There are no atheists in foxholes

To empirically examine the question,"Are there atheists in foxholes?" Cornell University behavioral economist, Brian Wansink examined 949 post-combat surveys of World War II American infantrymen and observed that these soldiers' reliance on prayer rose from 32% to 74% as the battle intensified.

see also