Finally, Anna Fortunata Brivio (+ 1732) married Pietro Agnesi and was mother of the famous mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi.
The family rose to significant influence in Brianza at the end of the 17th century, when a member of this family, Francesco (+ before 1679), became very rich with silk trading.
Francesco (1680 + 1732) married Elena Attendolo Bolognini, member of an important noble family from Milan and descendant (by mother, Cecilia Medici di Marignano) from Pope Pius IV and Gian Giacomo Medici.
In 1713 Giacomo became Lord of Montevecchia, the village of his ancestors, and in 1716 famous composer Antonio Vivaldi dedicated him a dramma per musica, Arsilda, regina di Ponto.
Founder of the family was Pietro Brivio (in Latin: Petrus Brivius or Petrus de Brippio), who moved at the end of the 15th Century from Milan to Montevecchia, where he had bought many properties.