
unusual facts about Broadleaf


A. nigrum

Allium nigrum, the black garlic, broadleaf garlic, an ornamental plant species

Egmont National Park

A rich Northern rātā/Rimu/Broadleaf forest is present, although the entire park ecosystem displays distinct patterns of vegetative zonation - the former two large species of tree are common at lower elevations whereas Kamahi tends to dominate the stunted high altitude forest.


In cool temperate climates, fewer plants are evergreen, with a predominance of conifers, as few evergreen broadleaf plants can tolerate severe cold below about −30 °C.

Evergreen forest

Broadleaf temperate evergreen forests include those in which Fagaceae such as oaks are common, those in which Nothofagaceae predominate, and the Eucalyptus forests of the Southern Hemisphere.

Mokohinau skink

The skink occupies broadleaf forest and low scrub, usually amongst boulders and rock screes.

New Guinea Highlands

Conifers (Podocarpus, Dacrycarpus, Dacrydium, Papuacedrus, Araucaria, and Libocedrus) and broadleaf trees of the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) form a thin canopy, with a prominent understory.

Pseudopanax colensoi

An example occurrence in central Westland podocarp/broadleaf forests includes flora associates such as Cyathea smithii and Dicksonia squarrosa, Rumohra adiantiformis, Ascarina lucida, Pseudowintera colorata and Blechnum discolor.

Qin Mountains

Evergreen species of these low-elevation forests include broadleaf chinquapins (Castanopsis sclerophylla), ring-cupped oaks (Quercus glauca) and conifers like Pinus massoniana.

Sagittaria latifolia

The name of Shubenacadie, a community located in central Nova Scotia, Canada, means "abounding in ground nuts" (i.e., broadleaf arrowhead) in the Mi'kmaq language.

Tabebuia chrysantha

Tabebuia chrysantha (Araguaney or Yellow Ipê), known as guayacan in Colombia, as tajibo in Bolivia, and as ipê-amarelo in Brazil, is a native tree of the intertropical broadleaf deciduous forests of South America above the Tropic of Capricorn.

see also