There is an old park in the free English landscape style, historic rose garden, rose garden and modern roses, South Norwegian rose garden, millenniumgarden, conifers collection (arboretum), shrubs and trees at the museum's parking lot (lignoses), perennials, rock garden, pond with water plants, heather garden and a collection of Rhododendron.
Arboretum Trompenburg holds national plant collections of conifers, Quercus, Fagus, Rhododendron, Ligustrum, Rodgersia and Hosta.
Several species of deciduous oaks (most prominently Quercus frainetto Ten., as well as Q. cerris L., Q. pubescens Willd. and others) dominate most of the ecoregion's forests, interspersed higher up mountainsides (above 800–1200 m) mostly with European Beech and such conifers as Scots Pine, Macedonian Pine, Silver Fir and Norway Spruce.
The Pinetum Britannicum is regarded as a landmark publication on conifers, and both Napoleon III and Queen Victoria subscribed to its first edition.
In cool temperate climates, fewer plants are evergreen, with a predominance of conifers, as few evergreen broadleaf plants can tolerate severe cold below about −30 °C.
The gnepine hypothesis is a modification of the gnetifer hypothesis, and suggests that the gnetophytes belong within the conifers as a sister group to the Pinaceae.
Their diet seems to have consisted of both grasses and browsing of conifers such as spruce, Douglas fir, limber pine, and water birch.
Wild Agarikon is only found in old-growth forests, and grows on conifers, particularly Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga) and larch (Larix).
This car park site was once a waste tip site for the Pandora mine above, and indeed the planting of conifers in the area of the lake has considerably softened the effects of mining.
The landscape at Loch Goil shows its remoteness and Highland grandeur with the Arrochar Alps surrounding with conifers in the Highlands of Scotland.
Conifers (Podocarpus, Dacrycarpus, Dacrydium, Papuacedrus, Araucaria, and Libocedrus) and broadleaf trees of the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) form a thin canopy, with a prominent understory.
As the name suggests, both forms are important constituents of pine resin; they are also found in the resins of many other conifers, as well as in non-coniferous plants such as big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata).
Evergreen species of these low-elevation forests include broadleaf chinquapins (Castanopsis sclerophylla), ring-cupped oaks (Quercus glauca) and conifers like Pinus massoniana.
The site was originally partially wooded and some of this remained to the northeast of the runways throughout the military period but after closure, the Forestry Commission planted most of the airfield with oak (Quercus robur) and conifers.
Vegetation varied from river-lining forests of conifers, tree ferns, and ferns (gallery forests), to fern savannas with occasional trees such as the Araucaria-like conifer Brachyphyllum.
It holds national plant collections of conifers (particularly Tsuga), Ericaceae (and Rhododendron in particular), Aceraceae, Betulaceae, Euonymus, Fraxinus, Laburnum, Magnolia and Syringa.
On northern slopes, drier areas, and higher elevations, Quercus ilex is found, along with conifers representing Abies, Picea, Cedrus, and Pinus.