
unusual facts about Bruno Canino

Bruno Canino

Among those with whom he has appeared are the violinists Itzhak Perlman, Salvatore Accardo, Franco Mezzena, Viktoria Mullova, Pierre Amoyal and Uto Ughi and the cellist Lynn Harrell.

Franco Mezzena

Performed with Salvatore Accardo, Bruno Battisti D’Amario, Julius Berger, Bruno Canino, Roberto Corlianò, Roberto Fabbriciani, Rocco Filippini, Severino Gazzelloni, Stefano Giavazzi, Bruno Giuranna, Johannes Goritzki, Jacques Klein, Alain Meunier, Bruno Mezzena, Andrea Noferini, Antony Pay, Franco Petracchi, Ruggiero Ricci, Massimo Scattolin, Hariolf Schlichtig, Rohan de Saram and Romeo Tudorache.

Roberto Michelucci

In addition to being a member, for several years, of Musici di Roma, he joined, among other musicians: pianists Bruno Canino, Maureen Jones and Tullio Macoggi and conductors Hermann Scherchen, Laszlo Somogji, Bernhard Paumgartner, Lovro von Matacic, Rudolf Kempe, Artur Rodzinsky, Gianandrea Gavazzeni, and Ernest Ansermet.

see also