
8 unusual facts about Buddha


Adi-Buddha is better compared to the abstracted forces of Brahman, Ayn Sof or Arche rather than a personal creator God in the mold of Yahweh or Allah.

The Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, who, according to the Avatamsaka Sutra made ten great vows, is revered as Adi-Buddha in the Nyingma school of Vajrayana, along with his consort Samantabhadri.


A denotation of note is the garba dence) of the Gujarati: where a spiritual circle dance is performed around a light or candle placed at the centre, bindu.

This view of the Buddha-nature as non-Buddhist is termed Critical Buddhism.

Buddha, Indiana

The local pronunciation of the name has traditionally been "boo-dee", rhyming with "Judy", though younger residents often pronounce it in line with the religious concept.

Buddha's Birthday

Though the birth of Birth of Buddha is Nepal Buddha Purnima or Tathagata is celebrated in India, especially in Sikkim, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bodh Gaya, various parts of North Bengal such as Kalimpong, Darjeeling, and Kurseong, and Maharashtra (where 6% of total population are Buddhists) and other parts of India as per Indian calendar.

Kheer, a sweet rice porridge is commonly served to recall the story of Sujata, a maiden who, in Gautama Buddha's life, offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge.

Kheer, a sweet rice porridge is commonly served to recall the story of Sujata, a maiden who, in Gautama Buddha's life, offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge after he had given up the path of asceticism following six years of extreme austerity.

2006 Idomeneo controversy

The Idomeneo production, directed by Hans Neuenfels, shows King Idomeneo staggering on stage carrying a bag of the severed heads of Neptune, Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad and placing each on chairs; a departure from the libretto, in which the action is set in the aftermath of the Trojan War.


Buddhist monk Lè Zūn has a vision of "golden rays of light shining down on 1,000 Buddha's", resulting in the creation of the Mogao Caves.

Alfred Charles Auguste Foucher

Alfred Charles Auguste Foucher (1865–1952), a French scholar, identified the Buddha image as having Greek origins.

Baba Kirtan Singh Ji

Tarna Dal, the army of the youth, was one of the two main divisions of Dal Khalsa, the confederated army of the Sikhs during the eighteenth century, the other one being the Buddha Dal (army of the elders).

Balmiki Prasad Singh

He presided over the four-day Global Buddhist Conference that began on Sunday with the chanting of prayers to mark the 2,600th year of Buddha's enlightenment.

Ban Mo District

After the Buddha footprint near Saraburi was found and a temple was built, King Songtham hired Dutch engineers to build a road from Tha Ruea to Wat Phra Phutthabat to make the pilgrimage there easier.

Benalmádena Stupa

Benalmádena Stupa (Chan Chub Chorten in Tibetan) symbolizes Buddha's enlightenment, the realisation of the nature of mind, and is one of the eight different forms that stupas are built according to.

Bhura Hayal

It is not known with certainty, when exactly the area was inhibited, however Banyan trees with water ponds underneath, scattered around the adjoining small villages, suggest that it dates back to thousands of years before probably to Buddha's time or even before.

Boden Professor of Sanskrit

His main work was an edition and translation of Buddhacarita ("Acts of the Buddha") by the 2nd-century author Aśvaghoṣa, published between 1928 and 1936.

Buddha Park

Buddha Park, also known as Xieng Khuan (as well as other variations of the spelling), is a sculpture park located 25 km southeast from Vientiane, Laos in a meadow by the Mekong River.


According to Venerable Hsuan Hua from the tradition of Chinese Buddhism, there are five types of beings who may speak the sutras of Buddhism: a buddha, a disciple of a buddha, a deva, a ṛṣi, or an emanation of one of these beings; however, they must first receive certification from a buddha that its contents are true Dharma.

Buddhism and evolution

Stephen T. Asma has noted that the Buddha himself largely avoided answering questions about the origins of the universe.

Buddhism in Kashmir

Kalhana's Rajatarangini mentions that a monumental metallic image of Buddha once stood in Srinagar, which was eventually destroyed by Sikandar Butshikan.

Buddhist holidays

Abhidhamma Day: According to Burmese tradition, this day celebrates when the Buddha went to the Tushita Heaven to teach his mother the Abhidhamma.

Coffee with... Biographies

Some titles include "Coffee With Marilyn"(Marilyn Monroe), "Coffee With Groucho" (Groucho Marx), "Coffee With The Buddha", "Coffee With Hemingway" (Ernest Hemingway), and many more selections.

Dambulla cave temple

Hindu deities are also represented here, as are the kings Valagamba and Nissankamalla, and Ananda - the Buddha's most devoted disciple.

Etiquette in Japan

The titles for people are -chan (most often for female close friends, young girls or infants of either gender), -kun (most often for male close friends, or young boys), -san (for adults in general) and -sama (for customers, and also used for feudal lords, gods or buddhas).


The Shih which often precedes it is an abbreviation of the name of Buddha as Sakyamuni, "the Sakya, mighty in Love, dwelling in Seclusion and Silence," and may be taken as equivalent to Buddhist.

First Buddhist council

Tradition holds that the Council was held in a hall erected by Ajatasattu outside the Sattaparnaguha (Pali: Sattapanniguha) or Saptaparni Cave in Rajgir, three months after the Buddha had attained "Parinibbhana" (i.e. died).

Gautam Rajputs

They claim descent from the Vedic Saint Gotama, who is also the reputed ancestor of the Sakya clan of Kshatriyas, of whom sprung the great Buddha ; whence, in many countries where his religion flourishes, he is popularly known by his patronymic Gautama.


Buddha Vihar of Siddarth trust, inaugurated by president of India, Pratibha Patil, Mallikarjun Kharge and Dalai lama on 7 January, is another place of attractions in Gulbarga, attracting all ages of community.

Hirogawa, Wakayama

Thanks to the story called Inamura no Hi: The Burning Rice Fields" by Tsunezo Nakai (translated and published in English by Sara Cone Bryant) and Lafcadio Hearn's Gleanings in Buddha-Fields(1897), Hirogawa (then Hiro-Mura) is often referred to the home of "A Living God" : Goryo Hamaguchi (1820-1885).

International Takeover: The United Nations

After shooting up the charts nationwide with “I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)” and “Hotel Room Service” off his new album Rebelution, Miami’s Mr. 305 is gearing up for the international leg of his Rebelution Tour, and got with DJ Noodles and DJ Buddha to release the official soundtrack to the world-tour, “International Takeover: The United Nations”.


Mahākāśyapa, also known as Mahakassapa, a disciple of Śakyamuni Buddha

Kassapa Buddha

In Buddhist tradition, Kassapa (Pāli) is the name of a Buddha, the third of the five Buddhas of the present kalpa (the Bhaddakappa or 'Fortunate Aeon'), and the sixth of the six Buddhas prior to the historical Buddha mentioned in the earlier parts of the Pali Canon (D.ii.7).

Lucknow Zoo

Gradually, it expanded to include excavated antiquities from Piparahawa, Kapilavastu, where the Buddha grew up.


Lumbini is one of four magnets for pilgrimage that sprang up in places pivotal to the life of the Buddha, the others being at Kushinagar, Bodh Gaya and Sarnath.

Master Lu

Lu Sheng-yen (born 1945), commonly referred to by followers as Grand Master Lu (師尊) is the founder and spiritual leader of the True Buddha School, a new Buddhist sect with teachings taken from Sutrayana and Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhism), as well as Taoism

Mount Qingyuan

There are also the "Four Superlatives" which include the stone statue of Laozi from the Song Dynasty, the Vedic stone statues of Buddha for Three Lives, the holy Islamic tombs and the pray for wind stone inscriptions.


According to this legend, the Emerald Buddha would have been created in India in 43 BCE by Nagasena in the city of Pataliputra (today Patna).

There is a tradition that Nagasena brought to Thailand the first representation of the Buddha, the Emerald Buddha.

Nakshi kantha

Pipal is sacred to the Buddha because he received enlightenment under its shade.


Matsumura also states, Nemuri Neko "Sleeping Cat symbolizes Nikkō or the Spirit of Ieyasu, who was thought to be the manifestation of Yakusi Nyorai", the Buddha of Healing, who offers medicinal remedies, gives nourishment to the mind, body, and spirit, and comforts the sick and cures illnesses.


Nigrodhārāma was a Banyan grove near Kapilavastu, where a residence was provided for the Buddha when he visited the city in the first year after his Enlightenment.

Pre-sectarian Buddhism

In the beginning the order of monks (Sangha) did not have any monasteries, but already in its first year the Buddha allowed these to be given, after being asked to do so by King Bimbisara.

Rajesh Touchriver

Following the success of In the Name of Buddha, Rajesh directed the music video for "Sunshowers" for Maya Arulpragasam (M.I.A.).


The Buddha taught that all such things are impermanent, arising and passing away, subject to change, and that understanding the significance of this reality is wisdom.

Standing Buddha

The earliest known image of the Buddha with approximate indications on date is the Bimaran casket, which has been found buried with coins of the Indo-Scythian king Azes II (or possibly Azes I), indicating a 30-10 BCE date, although this date is not undisputed.

:"The Emperor, to discover the true doctrine, sent an envoy to Tianzhu (Northwestern India) to inquire about the Buddha's doctrine, after which paintings and statues of the Buddha appeared in the Middle Kingdom." (Hou Hanshu, trans. John Hill)


In response to his request, the Buddha gave the first Kalachakra tantra initiation and teachings at Amaravati, a small town in Andhra Pradesh in southeastern India, supposedly emanating at the same time he was also delivering the Prajna Paramita sutras at Vulture Peak Mountain at Rajgir in North India.

The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back

The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back is a Hong Kong wuxia comedy television series based on Wong Yuk-long's manhua series Buddha's Palm.

The Fionavar Tapestry

With all of their options exhausted, the Jade Emperor and the authorities of Heaven appealed to the Buddha, who arrived in an instant from his temple in the West.

Thích Ca Phật Đài

There is also a garden, with plants and flowers blooming all year round, with props and scenery to re-enact the first sermon at Deer Park in Sarnath, where the Buddha explained the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Noble Path to the first five sangha and arahants: Kaundinya, Assaji, Mahanama, Bhaddiya and Vappa.

Thousand Buddha Mountain

According to a legend related in the Youyang Zazu (Youyang Miscellanies) by the Tang Dynasty writer Duan Chengshi (800-863), the Thousand Buddha Mountain was originally located by the sea and the sea god had locked it in place there by a large lock in order to prevent the god in charge of the mountains from moving it around.


Nearby are the Maijishan Grottoes, filled with thousands of Buddhist sculptures representing figures such as Buddha and the original male form of Guanyin, produced between the Wei and Song dynasties by monks travelling along the road and by local Buddhists.

Wat Phra Kaew

Continuing with the legend of the saint Nagasena of India, after remaining in Pataliputra (present day Patna) for three hundred years, the Emerald Buddha image was taken to Sri Lanka to save it from a civil war.

The earliest legend narrated to the iconic emerald image of the Buddha is that of Nagasena, a saint in India who with the help of Hindu god, Vishnu and demigod Indra had the Emerald Buddha image made, 500 years after Buddha attained Nirvana, from the precious stone of Emerald.

Xinxin Ming

From the Chan/Zen point of view, Buddha and Mind are one (即心即佛) (see the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch (六祖壇經)), as expressed in Mazu's famous dictum "Mind is Buddha".

see also