
3 unusual facts about Bulaq


The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities was originally built in 1835 near the Asbakiya Gardens.

Hamdy Ahmed

Ahmed was a parliamentary representative for the district of Bulaq at the time of the forcible relocation of the population of that quarter to public housing in the az-Zawiya al-Hamra district in the periphery of Cairo.

Ibn Sirin

Ibn Al-Nadim says that he was the author of Taabirul Ro'oya (What Dreams Express), which is different from or an abridged version of Muntakhabul Kalam Fi Tafsir El Ahlam (A Concise Guide for the Interpretation of Dreams) first printed in Bulaq, Egypt, in 1284 AH, in Lucknow in AD 1874 and in Bombay in 1296 AH.


Bulaq |

Old Cairo

During the latter half of the 15th century, two final major transformations took place in Cairo: the port of Bulaq, and a district called al-Azbakiyyah in the northwest section of the city.

see also