The BCA can be written during mastering and will be common for all discs from that master or, more usually, will be written using a YAG laser to "cut" the barcode into the aluminum reflective layer of the finished disc, potentially adding a unique barcode to each manufactured disc.
local government area | San Francisco Bay Area | Important Bird Area | Unincorporated area | Greater Toronto Area | Urban area | metropolitan area | New York metropolitan area | Bay Area Rapid Transit | urban area | European Economic Area | Area 51 | Greater Los Angeles Area | Chicago metropolitan area | South Pacific Area | Schengen Area | American Viticultural Area | William Bayard Cutting | Wide Area Augmentation System | Special Protection Area | Local area network | local area network | Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area | Billings Metropolitan Area | Andy Cutting | Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission | San Francisco Bay area | Portland metropolitan area | Local Government Area | Free Trade Area of the Americas |
Each Nintendo optical disc contains a burst cutting area (BCA) mark, a type of barcode that is written to the disc with a YAG laser.