
unusual facts about Bushmen



The band's name was inspired by the subtitles of the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy, in which the clicking sounds of the Bushmens' Khoisan language were represented as "!".

1 Parachute Battalion

In 1974 and 1975 1 Parachute Battalion operated along the Angolan border with S.W.A; along the Caprivi Strip; a platoon jumped near Luiana (September 1975), Angola to relieve a group of "Bushmen" trapped by a SWAPO force; and 3 platoons Joined operation Savannah at Sa Da Bandeira the day after the airport was taken (October 1975).

2011 Botswana Population and Housing Census

Bushmen living in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve boycotted the census in response to an earlier situation where the Bushmen were not provided polling stations in the 2009 election.

Arthur Charles Jeston Richardson

Richardson later moved to South Africa, where he served three years with the South Australian militia before joining the 3rd (Bushmen's) Contingent, Victorian Mounted Rifle Regiment of Western Australia, destined for the Boer War.

Elsie Vaalbooi

Elsie Vaalbooi (born c. 1901) of Rietfontein in the Northern Cape was a South African woman who was a member of the ǂKhomani (Nǁnǂe) San or Bushmen and one of the last speakers of the Nǁng language.

Friends of Peoples Close to Nature

Africa: the Great Lakes Twa, Bahrwa, Baka, Aka and Bambuti of central Africa (commonly referred to as Pygmees), the Hadzabe, Hai//om, !Kung and Gǀwi of South Africa (commonly referred to as Bushmen)

Gregory Colbert

Human collaborators include San bushmen, Tsaatan, Lisu, Massai, Chong, Kazakhs, and people from other indigenous tribes around the world.

Jacqueline Roumeguere-Eberhardt

She conducted pioneering research in Southern Africa (among the Venda, Tsonga, Shona, Lozi, Bushmen), Central (among the Gbaya) and Kenya (among the Maasai, Samburu, El Molo, Rendille and unidentified hominids), which led her to develop the project "Totemic Geography of Africa "(TGA).


Kousop himself with about 130 of his people, consisting of San, Khoekhoe, Korana and Griqua, were killed in the battle and 43 men and 50 women were captured.

Leonardville, Namibia

The area around Leonardville was inhabited by the Taa-speaking subtribe of the San people until the Khaiǁkhaun (Red Nation), who called the place Naosanabis, occupied their land.

Marlice van Vuuren

In 2003, Marlice and Rudie, along with their pharmacist friend, Chris Heunis and Jan Verburg opened the N/a’an ku sê (Naankuse) Lifeline Clinic at Epukiro, Namibia where the San Bushmen community can be treated free of charge.

Mbunda people

In the southern route, to the south of the confluence of Kwilu and Kasai rivers, the fifth Mbunda Monarch, King Mwene Chinguli traveled all the way south to the now Cuando Cubango chasing the Bushmen and replacing them in the new found lands with the Mbunda descendants who were later known as the Chimbandi, the Ngonjelo, the Humbi, the Luimbi and the Nyemba.

Omaramba River

The river banks are filled with rows of Camelthorn and Acacia trees which provide shade to the surrounding animals and bushmen who live in the area.

Royal Drummers of Burundi

In Werner Herzog's film Fitzcarraldo, you can hear their drumming as the drumming of the bushmen.

Southern Africa BC

100,000 BC - San or Bushmen (hunter-gatherers) are gradually displaced by the Khoikhoi (agri-pastoralists)

Willem Barnard

He was also engaged as a Location manager for the well-known TV series "Testament to the Bushmen" (narrator Sir Laurens van der Post, director Paul Bellinger).

William Nicholas Willis

He had become a supplier of horses and fodder to the British Army in South Africa and he recruited Australian bushmen as scouts and sharpshooters during the Boer War.

see also