
3 unusual facts about Gregory Colbert

Gregory Colbert

Elephants, whales, manatees, sacred ibis, cranes, eagles, gyrfalcons, Rhinoceros Hornbills, cheetahs, leopards, African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), caracals, baboons, eland, meerkats, gibbons, orangutans, penguins, pandas, polar bears, lions, giant Pacific manta rays, and saltwater crocodiles are among the animals he has filmed and photographed.

Human collaborators include San bushmen, Tsaatan, Lisu, Massai, Chong, Kazakhs, and people from other indigenous tribes around the world.

Jon Cone

Cone often traveled to New York City from 2006 to 2008 to collaborate with photographer/filmmaker Gregory Colbert and Mark Sobczak, Colbert's master printer, along with his studio assistants to refine a process that was used primarily to produce original works for Colbert's Ashes and Snow Nomadic Museum.

see also