
unusual facts about Bye Bye Braverman


This chapter of Ulysses is a main inspiration for the film Bye Bye Braverman.

Big Daddy's Restaurants

In the 1968 film Bye Bye Braverman, a scene was shot with actor George Segal in front of Big Daddy's as well as on location throughout the borough of Brooklyn.

Godfrey Cambridge

Godfrey made an impressive cameo appearance in director Sidney Lumet's Bye Bye Braverman as a Yiddish speaking NYC cab driver involved in a car collision with the main protagonists, and another as a gay underworld figure in the 1975 Pam Grier vehicle Friday Foster.

Herb Sargent

Herbert Sargent (July 15, 1923 – May 6, 2005) was an American television writer, a producer for such comedy shows as The Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live, and a screenwriter (Bye Bye Braverman).

see also