The show followed the same format that the talk shows and variety shows of David Letterman, Johnny Carson, and Jay Leno and was known for a lack of the double entendre humor that is overly common in the Venezuelan television.
Carlos Santana | Juan Carlos I of Spain | William Carlos Williams | San Carlos | Carlos Menem | Don Carlos | Wendy Carlos | San Diego Comic-Con International | Roberto Carlos | Carlos the Jackal | Carlos Sastre | Carlos Gardel | Carlos | San Carlos Water | Carlos Saura | Roman Catholic Diocese of San Carlos de Ancud | John Carlos | Gen Con | Carlos Fuentes | San Carlos de Bariloche | Carlos Monzón | Carlos I of Portugal | University of San Carlos | San Carlos, Falkland Islands | Carlos III | Roberto Carlos (singer) | Carlos Zingaro | Carlos Vives | Carlos Varela | Carlos Queiroz |