
2 unusual facts about C. maxima

C. maxima

Corylus maxima, the filbert, a hazel species native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia

Cucurbita maxima, one of the most diverse domesticated squash species

Didymium wildpretii

wildpretii is known to grow on species of the globose cacti Echinocactus platyacanthus, Mammillaria carnea and Ferocactus latispinus; the opuntioid cacti Opuntia depressa, O. maxima, O. pilifera and O. tomentosa) and the columnar cacti (Myrtillocactus geometrizans, Pachycereus hollianus, P. weberi, Stenocereus and Neobuxbaumia.

T. maxima

Tipula maxima, a true cranefly species widespread throughout the West Palaearctic

see also


A number of cultivars of the common hazel and filbert are grown as ornamental plants in gardens, including forms with contorted stems (C. avellana 'Contorta', popularly known as "Harry Lauder's walking stick" from its gnarled appearance); with weeping branches (C. avellana 'Pendula'); and with purple leaves (C. maxima 'Purpurea').