
2 unusual facts about cultivar


A number of Cultivars, including A. arbutifolia 'Brilliant' and A. melanocarpa 'Autumn magic', have been selected for their striking fall leaf color.


Cultivars generally occur as ornamentals and food crops: Malus 'Granny Smith' and Malus 'Red Delicious' are cultivars of apples propagated by cuttings or grafting, Lactuca 'Red Sails' and Lactuca 'Great Lakes' are lettuce cultivars propagated by seeds.

Acacia leprosa 'Scarlet Blaze'

The cultivar was released by Plant Growers Australia in Park Orchards in August 2001 in time for the plant to become Victoria's Centenary of Federation floral emblem.

Acer campestre 'Eastleigh Weeping'

The Field Maple Acer campestre cultivar 'Eastleigh Weeping' or Weeping Eastleigh Field Maple is a weeping tree that originated as a seedling at the Hillier & Son nursery, Ampfield, England and was released in 1980.

Banksia 'Roller Coaster'

Banksia 'Roller Coaster', sometimes referred to as Banksia 'Austraflora Roller Coaster', is a registered Banksia cultivar bred from Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia.

Buddleja 'Autumn Surprise'

Buddleja 'Autumn Surprise' is a hybrid cultivar arising from a cross of Buddleja crispa with Buddleja alternifolia 'Argentea' made by chief propagator Peter Moore of the Longstock Park Nursery, Stockbridge, England.

Buddleja 'Bel Argent'

Buddleja 'Bel Argent' is a French hybrid cultivar of undisclosed provenance, raised by Jean-François Giraud of Le Jardin de Rochevieille, Viviers, near Montelimar.

Buddleja 'Boy Blue'

Buddleja 'Boy Blue' is a hybrid cultivar raised circa 2000 by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England.

Buddleja 'Lochinch'

Buddleja 'Lochinch' is an old hybrid cultivar raised from a chance seedling found in the garden of the Earl of Stair at Lochinch Castle, Scotland, circa 1940; the shrub's parents believed to be Buddleja davidii and Buddleja fallowiana.

Buddleja 'Longstock Pride'

Buddleja 'Longstock Pride' is a sterile hybrid cultivar raised by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England, in 1999.

Buddleja 'Longstock Silver'

Raised by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England, the cultivar is the result of a crossing of Buddleja crispa var. agathosma and Buddleja alternifolia 'Argentea', released to commerce in 2010.

Buddleja 'Longstock'

Buddleja 'Longstock' is a sterile hybrid cultivar raised in 1998 by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England.

Buddleja 'Miss Ruby'

During the Buddleja cultivar Euro-trial held by the Royal Horticultural Society at Wisley, England, 'Miss Ruby' was voted the most attractive cultivar of the 97 on display in the 2008 public poll, and later accorded the RHS Award of Garden Merit (record 9299) in 2012.

Buddleja 'Pink Delight'

Buddleja 'Pink Delight' is a cultivar raised by the Horticultural Research Institute in Boskoop, Netherlands, in 1986 from the hybrid B. davidii 'Fascination' × B. davidii var. nanhoensis 'Alba' × B. 'West Hill'.

Buddleja 'Pink Pagoda'

Buddleja 'Pink Pagoda' (sold as 'InSpired Pink' in the USA) is a sterile hybrid cultivar raised in 1998 by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England, and named by Roy Lancaster.

Buddleja 'Summer Beauty'

Buddleja 'Summer Beauty' is a hybrid cultivar developed by Horticultural Research International, at Boskoop in the Netherlands.

Buddleja 'West Hill'

Buddleja 'West Hill' is an old hybrid cultivar, a full sister of 'Lochinch' and 'Mayford Purple' raised from a chance seedling found in the garden of the Earl of Stair at Lochinch Castle, Scotland, circa 1940, the shrub's parents believed to be Buddleja davidii and Buddleja fallowiana.

Buddleja 'White Ball'

Buddleja 'White Ball' is a hybrid cultivar developed by Horticultural Research International, at Boskoop in the Netherlands.

Buddleja × weyeriana 'Flight's Fancy'

Buddleja × weyeriana 'Flight's Fancy' is a little-known British cultivar once marketed by Webb's of Wychbold, Worcestershire.

Buddleja davidii 'Charming'

Buddleja davidii 'Charming' is a vigorous American cultivar raised by Paul Winzer, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, USA.

Buddleja davidii 'Corinne Tremaine'

Buddleja davidii 'Corinne Tremaine' is a cultivar raised at the The Herb Garden & Historical Plant Nursery on Anglesey, north Wales.

Buddleja davidii 'Croyde'

Buddleja davidii 'Croyde' is a cultivar raised from a seedling discovered growing on waste ground in the eponymous Devon village by nurseryman Martin Hugh-Jones, and introduced to commerce in 2004.

Buddleja davidii 'Florence'

Buddleja davidii 'Florence' is a variegated cultivar introduced and registered by the Stone Green Nursery, Bethersden, Ashford, UK.

Buddleja davidii 'Foxtail'

Buddleja davidii 'Foxtail' is a little-known Dutch cultivar raised by the Ferdinandushof Nursery at Overslag.

Buddleja davidii 'Fromow's Purple'

Buddleja davidii 'Fromow's Purple' is a British cultivar released circa 1945 by the Fromow Nursery of Windlesham, Surrey.

Buddleja davidii 'Orchid'

Buddleja davidii 'Orchid' is an American cultivar raised by Anne Rainey of Columbia, South Carolina, and introduced to commerce by Niche Gardens, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Buddleja davidii 'Queen's Robe'

Buddleja davidii 'Queen's Robe' is a little-known American cultivar raised by Bluestone Perennials Inc., Madison, Ohio, though no longer listed by the company.

Buddleja davidii 'Summer Skies'

Buddleja davidii 'Summer Skies' is an American cultivar raised by Mark Brand and William Smith of Storrs, Connecticut, and patented in 2012.

Buddleja davidii 'Tovelill'

Buddleja davidii 'Tovelill' is a little-known cultivar of Scandinavian origin and named for the Norwegian beauty queen Tove Lill Løyte.

Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis

Now very rare in cultivation, unlike its numerous cultivars, the shrub is still grown in the UK at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens near Romsey.

C.F. Ball

A cultivar of the South American shrub Escallonia is named ‘C.F. Ball’ in his memory, a beautiful shrub with dark green leaves and bright red flowers, excellent for bees.


Some sources state that many apples identified as Foxwhelp today are not, in fact, the original variety, which came to be known as "Old Foxwhelp" to distinguish it from later sports (such as "Improved Foxwhelp", developed by H. P. Bulmer), which were selected from the original cultivar.

Grevillea 'Superb'

In 2003, Australia Post issued a 50c stamp depicting the cultivar.


A number of cultivars of the common hazel and filbert are grown as ornamental plants in gardens, including forms with contorted stems (C. avellana 'Contorta', popularly known as "Harry Lauder's walking stick" from its gnarled appearance); with weeping branches (C. avellana 'Pendula'); and with purple leaves (C. maxima 'Purpurea').


Neoregelia 'Natalee Marie', a hybrid cultivar of the genus Neoregelia in the Bromeliad family

Rosa Iceberg

'Blushing Pink Iceberg' - A cultivar originating from Lilia Weatherly's garden in Tasmania in 1994 with white flowers flushed with pale pink.

Rubus parviflorus

Another double-flowered thimbleberry was found about 1975 by Bob Hornback on Starrett Hill, Monte Rio, California and given the cultivar name 'Dr.

Scorpion pepper

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, the world's current hottest chili pepper cultivar.

Short and Sweet

Neoregelia 'Short And Sweet', a hybrid cultivar of the genus Neoregelia in the Bromeliad family

Thryptomene 'F.C. Payne'

By 1967 the cultivar had become a "garden favorite" in Australia and was featured in a gardening guide for native plants in the Australian Women's Weekly.

Ulmus americana 'Beaverlodge'

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Beaverlodge' was selected as a seedling in 1925 at the Beaverlodge Experimental Farm, Morden, part of the Lacombe Research Centre, Alberta, for its hardiness and vigour, and released in 1954.

Ulmus americana 'Brandon'

'Brandon' is a cultivar of the American Elm Ulmus americana, raised by Lacombe Nurseries, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada, before 1969; it may be synonymous with another cultivar from the same source, known as 'Patmore'.

Ulmus americana 'Delaware'

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Delaware' was originally selected (as tree number 218) from 35,000 seedlings inoculated with the Dutch elm disease fungus in USDA trials at Morristown, New Jersey.

Ulmus americana 'Klehmii'

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Klehmii' was cloned from a tree growing at Arlington Heights by Mr Charles Klehm, proprietor of the Charles Klehm & Son nursery.

Ulmus glabra 'Dovaei'

The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar 'Dovaei' was raised by the Andre Leroy nursery at Angers, France, as Ulmus dovaei before 1868.

Ulmus glabra 'Tiliaefolia'

The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar 'Tiliaefolia' was first mentioned by Host in Fl. Austr. 1: 329.

Ulmus pumila 'Aurescens'

The Ulmus pumila cultivar 'Aurescens' originated in the National Arboretum, Zöschen, near Merseburg, Germany.


Several species and hybrid cultivars of willows (often known as osiers) are grown for withy production; typical species include Salix acutifolia, Salix daphnoides, Salix × mollissima, Salix purpurea, Salix triandra, and Salix viminalis.

see also