The CBS Dream Team (also known under the extended title of The CBS Dream Team...It's Epic!) is an American programming block that is programmed by Litton Entertainment.
CBS | England national football team | Argentina national football team | United States men's national soccer team | Mexico national football team | CBS News | Brazil national football team | A Midsummer Night's Dream | Italy national football team | Scotland national football team | Germany national football team | Wales national football team | Spain national football team | France national football team | Netherlands national football team | England national rugby union team | Canada men's national soccer team | Belgium national football team | Wales national rugby union team | New Zealand national rugby union team | The A-Team | New Zealand Māori rugby league team | Ireland national rugby union team | Colombia national football team | Portugal national football team | Denmark national football team | Poland national football team | England cricket team | Sweden national football team | Scotland national rugby union team |
Cookie Jar TV ended on September 21, 2013 and was replaced by a Litton Entertainment-produced block called the "CBS Dream Team" on September 28, 2013.