
unusual facts about CFS Lac St. Denis

Alexandre-Dominique Denuelle

He was largely engaged in mural paintings for churches, and specimens of his art will be found in the Abbey of St. Denis, in St. Paul at Nîmes, St. Polycarp at Lyons, the Oratory at Birmingham, the Church of the Celestines at Avignon, and in Strassburg Cathedral.

Alice Boughton

A collection of her portraits, Photographing the Famous, was published in 1928, and included such luminaries as William Butler Yeats, Julia Ward Howe, Henry James, Walter de la Mare, G. K. Chesterton, Maxim Gorky, John Burroughs, Ruth St. Denis, Eleonora Duse and Yvette Guilbert.

Ann May

She practiced dancing with modern dance pioneer and choreographer, Ruth St. Denis, on the front lawn of May's Hollywood home.


But all these names had been used before – J.N.C.M. Denis & I. Schiffermüller had described a T. laterella in 1775 (a concealer moth, now known as Agonopterix laterella), C.A. Clerck a T. picarella as early as 1759 (now Nemapogon picarella), and F.P. von Schrank a T. arcuatella in 1802 (probably a junior synonym of the arctiid moth Dysauxes ancilla).

Brent St. Denis

St. Denis was defeated by Carol Hughes of the New Democratic Party in the 2008 federal election.

Casey Emergency Airstrip

The airstrip would function as a detachment of RCAF Station Parent, under the control of the Lac St. Denis Air Defence Control Centre (ADCC).

Jane Sherman

The family moved to New York City in 1921, where Jane began studying dancing, after she saw a St. Denis program that included “Brahms Waltz and Liebesträume”, a solo that inspired her to study at the New York Denishawn School.

Louis Juchereau de St. Denis

His mother, Marie Thérèse Giffard de Beauport, was the daughter of Robert Giffard de Moncel, Sieur de Moncel à Autheuil, and the 1st Seigneur of Beauport, Quebec.

Manuel de Sandoval

In 1735, the French commander Louis Juchereau de St. Denis took the absence of Sandoval in Los Adaes to move the strong French Natchiloches to west of Red River,starting a French colonization in the region.

Marion Rice Denishawn Dancers

Marion Rice Denishawn Dancers is a dance company devoted to preserving Denishawn dance, the choreography of modern dance pioneers Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn, taught and staged by Marion Rice, a Massachusetts modern dance and ballet teacher, performer, choreographer and producer who died in 1995.


Montjoie (Old French Munjoie) is the historical battle cry supposedly used under Charlemagne and later in the medieval kingdom of France, where it was at some point, presumably in the 12th century (Louis the Fat), extended to Montjoie Saint Denis, in reference to the Oriflamme battle standard which was originally kept in the Abbey of St. Denis.

Morris Engines

The Hotchkiss company of France, who were makers of the famous machine gun, hurriedly transferred production to England during World War I when it looked as if their St. Denis factory near Paris was going to be overrun by the Germans.

White-shouldered House Moth

In addition to this case of mistaken identity, the White-shouldered House Moth as discussed by Hübner had actually been named Tinea lactella by J. N. C. M. Denis and Ignaz Schiffermüller in 1775.

see also