
5 unusual facts about Cacophony Society

Cacophony Society

Although in San Francisco the 'official' Cacophony label is presently not used often, Zombie attacks, Peewee Herman day (commemorating Paul Reubens' arrest in a pornographic theater) and other goofs are alive and well.

Larry Harvey and Jerry James were subsequently invited to bring their effigy along, after they were prevented from burning it on the beach by law enforcement.

The Society also has links to the Church of the SubGenius and the annual Saint Stupid's Day Parade held on April 1 in San Francisco, sponsored by Bishop Joey (AKA Ed Holmes) and to the Billboard Liberation Front a group of artist/pranksters responsible for many infamous billboard alterations.

Flash mob activities share some ideas with Cacophony, as well as groups like Improv Everywhere and movements like Discordianism.

Larry Harvey

In 1990, in collaboration with the SF Cacophony Society, the event moved to Labor Day weekend in the Black Rock Desert, where it has grown precipitously from a 3 day, 80 persons "zone trip," to an 8 day festival with over 50,000 participants.

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