
2 unusual facts about Cadaver


Hatched larvae (maggots) of blowflies subsequently get under the skin and start to eat the body.

Chrysomya villeneuvi

Chrysomya villeneuvi, or Hairy Maggot, is a South East Asian fly species of forensic importance because the Hairy maggots of this species have been collected from human corpses.

Cadaver Synod

Robert Browning's lengthy poem, The Ring and the Book, devotes 134 lines to the Cadaver Synod, in the chapter called The Pope.

Joseph Paul Jernigan

His cadaver was sectioned and photographed for the Visible Human Project and the University of Colorado School of Medicine by Dr. Vic Spitzer and associates.

Punk in Brazil

Then came AI-5 and N.A.I. (later known as Condutores de Cadáver) in São Paulo, as well as Carne Podre in Curitiba and Aborto Elétrico in Brasília.

The Man Who Never Was

Operation Mincemeat involved the acquisition and dressing up of a human cadaver as a "Major William Martin, R.M." and putting it into the sea near Huelva, Spain.

Thompson-LaGarde Tests

The tests were conducted at the Nelson Morris Company Union Stock Yards in Chicago, Illinois, using both live cattle outside a local slaughterhouse, as well as some human cadavers.

Waking the Cadaver

On August 10, 2010, Waking The Cadaver released their second full length album titled as Beyond Cops. Beyond God. Waking the Cadaver supported tours for death metal bands such as Napalm Death and Immolation.

see also