
4 unusual facts about Cadillac Gage Commando

Cadillac Gage Commando

In these roles, the vehicles are generally equipped with the RBS 70 Surface-to-air missiles or a single Oerlikon 20 mm cannon plus FN MAG 7.62 mm General-purpose machine guns for self-defense.

Chrysler B engine

Cadillac Gage V-200 Commando (waterproof, export Singapore Armed Forces)

LAPD Hooper Heliport

The Piper Technical Center is also used as a parking lot for some of the LAPD's motor pool including marked and un-marked units, vans, buses, motorcycles, and the V-100 SWAT armored cars.

SWAT vehicle

De-militarized Armored Personnel Carriers can be used for this purpose, as is the case with the police department of Phoenix, Arizona which uses an M113 APC as part of its inventory or the Florida Highway Patrol, which has 3 Cadillac-Gage V-150s.

see also