
unusual facts about Caius Marius

Flavia and Her Artists

The ending of Flavia and Her Artists foreshadows The Way of the World, with the reference to Caius Marius and the ruins of Carthage.


After the finding of the bones, the legend of the king Teutobochus, which was thought to be the Teuton king defeated by Caius Marius, spread despite analysis by anatomist Jean Riolan the Younger, who ascribed the bones to one of Hannibal's elephants.

see also

Lucio Silla

The story concerns the Roman dictator Lucio Silla (Lucius Sulla) who lusts after Giunia, the daughter of his enemy Caius Marius.

Thomas Otway

The History and Fall of Caius Marius, produced in the same year, and printed in 1692, is a curious grafting of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet on the story of Marius as related in Plutarch's Lives.