The Corumbá flows south from its source near Corumbá de Goiás, where there are spectacular waterfalls, is crossed by a major ridge on the Brasília-Goiânia highway east of Alexânia, passing near Pires do Rio and Caldas Novas, south of which it enters the Itumbiara Reservoir, the lake damming up the Paranaíba River, one of the main tributaries of the Paraná.
The specific epithet delgadii refers to Gancho do Generale Delgado, along the road to Caldas Novas, Brazil, where the type material was collected.
Once Caldas | Poços de Caldas | Fernando Novas | Caldas Novas | Caldas | Salamina, Caldas | Riosucio, Caldas | Palestina, Caldas | La Dorada, Caldas | Georgios Athanasiadis-Novas | Caldas (Antioquia) |