Associação Atlética Caldense or Caldense is a Brazilian football team team from Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais.
The topography is highly suggestive of a volcanic crater and, given that the region's rocks are indeed igneous and there are hot springs, this gave rise to a common misconception that Poços de Caldas would be located inside the crater of a large extinct volcano.
Poços de Caldas Futebol Clube, commonly known as Poços de Caldas, was a Brazilian football club based in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais state.
Stefani Miglioranzi (born September 20, 1977 in Poços de Caldas) is a retired Brazilian-American footballer.
In 1924 João Moreira Salles established the Casa Bancária Moreira Salles (Moreira Salles Banking House) in the town of Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Once Caldas | Poços de Caldas | Caldas Novas | Caldas | Salamina, Caldas | Riosucio, Caldas | Palestina, Caldas | La Dorada, Caldas | Caldas (Antioquia) |
A comprehensive exhibition of one hundred paintings by the artist to the centennial of his birth, "One Hundred Years / one hundred works" ( 100 de ani/100 de opere ) was held from 11 to 28 September 2007 at his home in the National Art Museum of Moldova in Chișinău, where in October moved in Bucharest and beyond - repeating the career of the artist - in Brussels, London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and other cities in Brazil - Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Poços de Caldas and São Paulo.