
3 unusual facts about Caleb Afendopolo

Caleb Afendopolo

'Asarah Mamarot (Ten Discourses), containing homilies on the Passover lesson (Ex. xii.14); on the Song of Songs as read on the seventh Passover Day; on Psalm cxix, read, according to Karaite custom, on the seven Sabbaths between Passover and Pentecost; and on the Pentecost lesson dealing with the Sinaitic revelation.

Iggeret ha-Kimah (Letter on the Pleiades), treating of forbidden marriages, and directed against Joshua's work on the subject.

An introductory index to Aaron ben Elijah's Eẓ ha-Ḥayyim (1497), giving the contents of each chapter under the title, "Derek Eẓ ha-Ḥayyim," published by Delitzsch in his edition (1840) of this work.

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