
18 unusual facts about Pentecost

14 regions of Medieval Rome

From here, on the Whitsunday of 1347, the Romans, led by Cola di Rienzo, launched the assault on the Capitol, attempting to restore the Roman Republic.


On the walls of the vault are forty panels representing the life of Jesus Christ, from the Nativity to Pentecost, in the same style as paintings of the Vault Saint-Sébastien de Lanslevillard.

Eala Frya Fresena

Each Frisian sealand sent two seajudges during Pentecost to an annual meeting at Upstalsboom, to discuss disputes between the tribes.

According to 16th century sources, it was spoken at the Upstalsboom in Aurich where Frisian judges meet on Pentecost and it is traditionally answered with Lever dood as Slaav, or in English, rather dead than slaves.

Felice Bauer

The engagement took place on Pentecost Sunday 1914, in the presence of Kafka's parents and sister Ottla, but was broken a few weeks later, in August.


Exceptions were made for the dying, and local interdicts were almost entirely suspended on five feasts of the year: Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, Pentecost, Corpus Christi and the feast of the Assumption of Mary.

Israel ben Moses Najara

Ketubbat Yisrael (with Joseph Jaabez's Ma'amar ha-Aḥdut, n.p., 1794), a hymn which, in the kabalistic fashion, represents the relationship between God and Israel as one between man and wife (it was composed for the Feast of Pentecost)

Journée de solidarité envers les personnes âgées

In 2004, this new added working day was imposed by law to be by default on Pentecost Monday, formerly a non-working holiday.

Louise de Marillac

In 1623, at the age of 32, she wrote, "On the feast of Pentecost during Holy Mass or while I was praying in the church, my mind was completely freed of all doubt. I was advised that I should remain with my husband and that the time would come when I would be in the position to make vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and that I would be in a small community where others would do the same."


Three times a year, at Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas, special festivals and singing competitions were instituted.

Militia of Jesus Christ

Members were required to perform confession thrice annually (at Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost) and acts of liturgical devotion daily or hourly.

New English Bible

The New English Bible was produced primarily by British and European scholarship (for example, Whitsuntide is rendered in 1 Corinthians 16:8 rather than Pentecost).

Our Lady of Bethlehem

Those converting to Christianity were given a mixture of milk and honey to drink, which in the early churches of Egypt, Rome, and North Africa was solemnly blessed at the Easter and Pentecostal vigils.


Saddleworth has a large number of annual customs and traditions, many of which are held during Whitsuntide.


During Pentecost 1976 one of the most important Swiss murder cases happened: near the weekend house "Waldeggli", five were killed in a brutal way.

Sir Launfal

In this story, Arthur is king of England (also referred to as Bretayn) and holds court in Carlisle and Glastonbury, particularly during such summer feasts as Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and St. John's Day.

Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft

Since Pentecost of 1950, the Landsmannschaft organized a traditional convention, the Sudetendeutscher Tag, which mostly took place in southern Germany.


Since 1989, a cultural festival, the Kulturelle Landpartie, has taken place in the Wendland annually between Ascension Day and Pentecost.


Terce (9 a.m.) reminds us of three events, Christ’s trial by Pilate, his ascension to the heavens and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost.

Aidan Nichols

However he is best known for his work on Hans Urs von Balthasar, publishing three analytic volumes on von Balthasar's famous trilogy: The Word Has Been Abroad: A Guide Through Balthasar's Aesthetics (1998), No Bloodless Myth: A Guide Through Balthasar’s Dramatics (2000) and Say It Is Pentecost: A Guide Through Balthasar’s Logic (2001).

Ambrosian hymns

No. 7 is assigned in the Roman Breviary to Monday at Lauds, from the Octave of the Epiphany to the first Sunday in Lent and from the Octave of Pentecost to Advent.

Caleb Afendopolo

'Asarah Mamarot (Ten Discourses), containing homilies on the Passover lesson (Ex. xii.14); on the Song of Songs as read on the seventh Passover Day; on Psalm cxix, read, according to Karaite custom, on the seven Sabbaths between Passover and Pentecost; and on the Pentecost lesson dealing with the Sinaitic revelation.

Camillus de Lellis

He was ordained on Pentecost of 1584 by Lord Thomas Goldwell, Bishop of St Asaph, Wales, and the last surviving Catholic bishop of Great Britain.


On the feast of Pentecost, May 25, 1917, a three-meter-high Celtic cross was erected to commemorate the Irish who had died in the camp.


Rühmkorf highlights the allusion to Pentecost, which is typical for the religious allegories often found in Biermann's work, labeling the poem as "Good news".

Feast of the Ascension

It is one of the ecumenical feasts (i.e., universally celebrated) of Christian churches, ranking with the feasts of the Passion, of Easter, and Pentecost.

Feast of the Transfiguration

In the Church of Sweden and the Church of Finland, however, the Feast is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Trinity, the eighth Sunday after Pentecost.

Hezel of Hildesheim

Hezel's efforts culminated in the Goslar Precedence Dispute with Abbot Widerad of Fulda, which escalated at Pentecost in 1063 in Goslar Cathedral into a bloody massacre in the presence of the young king.

J. Dwight Pentecost

Pentecost takes a Premillennial and Pretribulational view of the unfulfilled prophetic passages of the apocalyptic biblical literature.

A Festschrift, Essays in Honor of J. Dwight Pentecost, has been written.

John Drane

It was in that context that some of his most distinctive missional thinking was first conceived, and one of the highlights of that period was an event celebrating the Christian festival of Pentecost at Glasgow Garden Festival in 1988, which attracted a record crowd of more than 48,000 people and for which he received an award from the UK government which is preserved in the archives of Action of Churches Together in Scotland.

Kimberley grunter

It is known from the Durack, Pentecost, and Bow Rivers of the Kimberley Region.


He is the patron saint of Mettlach parish and his relics are carried by procession at the annual Pentecost celebration through the town.


The practice was later adopted by new converts to the Roman Catholic faith who associated the event of the Twelve Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Upper Room as they prayed for nine days until the Holy Spirit descended on the Feast of the Pentecost.

Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist

In Lutheran liturgies it has been the main hymn (Hauptlied) for Pentecost.

Order of Penitents

Fasting, which had always been part of the penitential discipline, became more regularized, and three major times of fasting were observed, Advent, Lent (prior to Easter), and a period after Pentecost.


Theologically, the Orthodox do not consider Pentecost to be the "birthday" of the Church; they see the Church as having existed before the creation of the world (cf. The Shepherd of Hermas).

Poitiers Cathedral

François-Henri Clicquot, at that time the leading organ-builder in France, was appointed to undertake the work, but died in Pentecost 1790 before completing the work.

Roman Catholic devotions to Jesus Christ

The Feast of the Sacred Heart is now a holy day in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar, and is celebrated 19 days after Pentecost.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen

The cross is taken from the arms of the See of Trenton from which the diocese was formed; the tongue of fire refers both to "metachen," Lenni Lenape for firewood, and the descent of the Holy Spirit; the crowned M refers to the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the diocesan patron, founding bishop Theodore McCarrick's arms, and Pope John Paul II's arms.

S. Maria di Nazareth

More paintings and sculptures are visible in the left aisle where the wooden group representing the Deposition of the 18th century, a Pentecost by Domenico Fiasella, the Transit of St. Joseph by Orazio De Ferrari of 1654, a Madonna del Carmine and a Saints Lawrence and John the Baptist by painter Lazarus Tavarone.

Share Jesus International

Rob Frost died in November 2007 but his son Andy has been appointed as the new head of Share Jesus International and the organisation is now responsible for organising an annual "Pentecost Festival" in London each May.

Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Irinjalakuda

St Thomas, one of the apostles of Christ, after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, set about the mission of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world.

The Cavalcade of Scaër

Every odd year, during the Pentecost weekend (Sunday and Monday), the town of Scaër (about 5,000 inhabitants) welcomes about 50,000 spectators for "The Cavalcade", carnival which the town owes its nickname "Scaer la Joyeuse" ("Scaër the Merry").

The Story of Simon Simopath

"Pentecost Hotel" was released as a single with the non-album B-side, "Feelin' Shattered'." "Wings of Love" was the next single, also with a non-album B-side, "Requiem to John Coltrane." "Girl in the Park," from the second album All of Us featured the B-side, "C Side In Ocho Rios," which is an instrumental version of "In the Courtyard of the Stars."

Violeta Dinescu

Major commissioned works include Akrostichon and L‘ORA X for orchestra, an oratorio for Pentecost, Pfingstoratorium, music for the F. W. Murnau silent film Tabu and the ballets Der Kreisel and Effi Briest.

Whitsunday Islands

The term is a mis-nomer, based as it is on Captain Cook’s naming of what is now known as the Whitsunday Passage (in Cook’s Journal, Whitsunday’s Passage) in the belief that the passage was discovered on Whitsunday, The Sunday of the feast of Whitsun or Pentecost in the Christian liturgical year, observed 7 weeks after Easter.