California | University of California, Berkeley | University of Southern California | University of California | Berkeley, California | Baja California | Southern California | Oakland, California | Santa Barbara, California | Sacramento, California | Pasadena, California | California Institute of Technology | Long Beach, California | Louisiana State Legislature | University of California, San Diego | Burbank, California | California Gold Rush | Palm Springs, California | California State Assembly | University of California, Santa Cruz | Governor of California | University of California, Davis | Irvine, California | Anaheim, California | Fresno, California | University of California, Santa Barbara | Riverside, California | Santa Cruz, California | Bakersfield, California | Santa Ana, California |
The bill was written and sponsored by Democratic state Senator Mike Thompson, and was approved 61-0 in the California Legislature and signed into law by then-Governor Pete Wilson on August 19, 1998.
Gerald J. O'Gara served in the California legislature and a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
The Institute is funded by Congress through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Research and Innovative Technology Administration, by the California Legislature through the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and by other public and private grants and donations, including grants from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The California legislature passed a bill allowing conditional partial removal of oil platforms in 2010, and the measure was signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Robert F. Fisher, (February 18, 1879 Plymouth, England - July 20, 1969 Carlotta, California) served in the California legislature and during the Spanish-American War he served in the United States Army.
With the passage of the Field Act by the California legislature, following a devastating earthquake in 1933 in Long Beach, California, steps were taken to seismically upgrade existing schools or close them.
Still in power in 1930, Finn was also the early political mentor of Arthur Samish, later the notorious liquor lobbyist whose enormous influence in the California Legislature of the 1940s led to a national political scandal.