
unusual facts about Rigs-to-Reefs


The California legislature passed a bill allowing conditional partial removal of oil platforms in 2010, and the measure was signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.


reefs | RIGS |

Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata

Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata is a species of goby found on reefs or in sea grass beds in the western Pacific from New Caledonia to the Great Barrier Reef and around New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.

Aquaculture of coral

Anthropogenic stressors such as coastal development, dynamite fishing, cyanide fishing, overexploitation of resources and marine pollution, have left 58% percent of the world's reefs under threat.

Arabian carpetshark

Another potentially major threat to this species is habitat degradation: coral reefs in the Persian Gulf face bottom trawling, coastal development (especially large-scale land reclamation projects such as in the United Arab Emirates), Turkish dams on the Tigris-Euphrates river system, draining of marshes in Iraq, and oil spills.

Archipelago fleet

The result was four new vessels that combined the maneuverability of oar-powered galleys with the superior rigs and decent living conditions of sailing ships: the udema, pojama, turuma and hemmema, named after the Finnish regions of Uudeenmaa (Uusimaa), Pohjanmaa, Turunmaa and Hämeenmaa (Tavastia).

Asexual reproduction in starfish

In 1904, Kellogg observed numerous severed arms on reefs at Apia, Samoa, noting that many were sprouting new arms and suggested that Linckia diplax and Linckia pacifica had the ability to generate new individuals in this way.

Capricornia Cays National Park

The area is also of significance as a fishery, particularly for King Prawns These eight islands are part of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and all surrounded by reefs.

Cato Reef

In due course the southern reefs were surveyed by Captain H. M. Denham (ms, 1860) in the HMS Herald in 1858–60

Cerithium madreporicola

The true Cerithium madreporicola is a fossil species known only from raised Quaternary reefs in the Red Sea.

Cockburn Sound

It is bounded on the east by the mainland suburbs of Cockburn and Kwinana, on the west by Garden Island and Carnac Island, and includes several rocky outcrops and reefs.

Colón Province

This province has traditionally been focused in commerce (through the Colón Free Zone, Panama Canal and its banking activities), but also has natural resources that are being developed as tourist attraction, such as coral reefs and rainforests.

Cyclone Narelle

By 11 January, the Apache Corporation began evacuating all non-essential personnel from oil rigs in the path of the storm.

Edwin Drake

Drake Bell and Billy Smith appear in À l'ombre des derricks ("In the Shadow of the Oil Rigs"), an episode of the Franco-Belgian comics Western series Lucky Luke, published in 1960, written by René Goscinny (co-creator of Asterix) and drawn by Morris.


Originally purchasing one IngersollRand TH60 drilling rig for coring work, over the years Company has added 11 more TH60 rigs, plus 4 other units that double as geothermal drilling rigs.

Enhanced geothermal system

On 30 May 2007, then Australian opposition environmental spokesperson and former Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts Peter Garrett announced that if elected at the 2007 Australian Federal Election, the Australian Labor Party would use taxpayer money to subsidise putting the necessary drilling rigs in place.

Eric W. Mountjoy

Most of Mountjoy’s research has concentrated on Jasper Park's Miette area, and in particular on its exposed coral reefs from the Devonian period (395 million to 345 million years ago).

Eviota readerae

It has a very limited distribution in the southwest Pacific, being found only on the Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs.

Geography of the United States Virgin Islands

The U.S. Virgin Islands have many well-known beaches, including Magens Bay (Saint Thomas) and Trunk Bay (Saint John), and coral reefs, including the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument and the Buck Island Reef National Monument.

Geology of Gotland

Reef growth started in the Llandovery, when the sea was 50–100 m deep, and reefs continued to dominate the sedimentary record.

Geology of Wales

'RIGS groups' are being established in different parts of Wales with the aim of supporting locations designated as regionally important geodiversity sites and assisting in the implementation of Local Geodiversity Action Plans ('LGAPs').


Originally geoconservation on Anglesey was administered by the Gwynedd and Mon RIGS group, but a decision was taken to apply for Geopark membership.


The result was four new vessels that combined the maneuverability of oar-powered galleys with the superior rigs and decent living conditions of sailing ships: the udema, pojama, turuma and hemmema, named after the Finnish regions of Uusimaa ("Uudenmaan" in genitive form), Pohjanmaa, Turunmaa and Hämeenmaa (Tavastia).

John Veron

Veron has criticised global warming skeptics like Ian Plimer, saying of Plimer's book Heaven and Earth: "Every original statement Plimer makes in the book on coral and coral reefs is incorrect, and that "Plimer serves up diagrams from no acknowledged source, diagrams known to be obsolete and diagrams that combine bits of science with bits of fiction.

Kirk Pride

A brief film of the wreck can be viewed on the episode "Reefs and Wrecks" of the BBC television series Wild Caribbean, produced in 2008.

Local Geodiversity Action Plan

The establishment of an LGAP typically follows the carrying out of a RIGS audit for the area concerned.


French writer Victor Hugo poetized in Toilers of the Sea admiring the scenery after a visit in 1866 that the Lysefjord was the most terrifying of the ocean reefs.

Maldon, Victoria

Quartz mining extended southward through Sandy Creek to Newstead, along to Mia Mia and Muckleford, eastward to Fentimen’s and Smith’s Reefs, and even to the apex of Mount Tarrangower.

Meandrina meandrites

These resemble young colonies of rose coral (Manicina areolata) and may be found in sandy or muddy areas some way from reefs.


The Geology Museum collection consists of over 17000 rock and mineral samples from Southern Africa including many type samples and samples from the Tsumeb area of Namibia, the witwatersrand reefs and Okiep area

N. elegans

Naso elegans, the elegant unicornfish, Indian orange-spine unicorn, orange-spine unicorn or smoothheaded unicornfish, a tropical fish found in coral reefs in the Indian Ocean


ODECO rigs continued to rack up “firsts” in the industry in the 1970s, with Ocean Viking discovering the giant Ekofisk Field for Phillips Petroleum in the North Sea, and Ocean Victory discovering the Piper and Claymore fields, also in the North Sea, for Occidental Petroleum.

Oyster buy-boat

A few of them were adapted for use in the Chesapeake Bay Menhaden fishery during the 1970s and 80s but have since been retired, and some were used to haul seed oysters to replenish oyster reefs in Virginia and Maryland into the early 2000s.


Palolo worm, a species of invertebrate that lives in tropical coral reefs


The result was four new vessels that combined the maneuverability of oar-powered galleys with the superior rigs and decent living conditions of sailing ships: the udema, pojama, turuma and hemmema, named after the Finnish regions of Uudeenmaa (Uusimaa), Pohjanmaa, Turunmaa and Hämeenmaa (Tavastia).


The corals which build reefs today, the Scleractinia, arose after the Permian–Triassic extinction event that wiped out the earlier rugose corals (as well as many other groups), and became increasingly important reef builders throughout the Mesozoic Era.

San Cassiano Formation

The last part of the reefal evolution is the development of patch reefs constituted by colonial corals (Scleractinia).


Silvertip shark, a large and slender shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) found at or close to offshore remote island reefs

Southeast Asian coral reefs

Such as the result of the incredibly successful restoration of Apo Island's reef, the local people must decide as a community to manage the reefs so that they may continue to sustain themselves through this essential resource.

Sponge Reef Project

The project was started in 1999, following the discovery of the reefs in 1991; earlier, this reef type was thought to have existed mainly in the Jurassic period.

Starry rockfish

The starry rockfish occurs from Thetis Bank, Baja California, to San Francisco, California, and is found around rocky offshore reefs at depths of 80 to 900 feet.

Stellar Stone

Stellar Stone developed a total of eight known games—three drag racing games (Taxi Racer, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, and Midnight Race Club: Supercharged!), a puzzle game (Total Mahjongg and Shanghai), a hunting game (Remington Big Buck Trophy Hunt), a pinball game (Total Pinball), and two real-time strategy games based on the American Civil War (Gettysburg: Civil War Battles and Ultimate Civil War Battles: Robert E. Lee vs. Ulysses S. Grant).

The Secret of the Purple Reef

The Secret of The Purple Reef is a 1960 - 20th Century Fox film based on a novel by Dorothy Cottrell entitled The Silent Reefs.

Theodore M. Davis

After a career in the law and business, he moved to Newport, Rhode Island in 1882 where he built a mansion known as "The Reefs" (later "The Bells") on Ocean Avenue, on property which is now Brenton Point State Park.


The result was four new vessels that combined the maneuverability of oar-powered galleys with the superior rigs and decent living conditions of sailing ships: the udema, pojama, turuma and hemmema, named after the Finnish regions of Uusimaa ("Uudenmaan" in genitive form), Pohjanmaa, Turunmaa and Hämeenmaa (Tavastia).

Wilderness State Park

Four separate Lake Michigan lighthouses, Grays Reef, Skillagalee Island, Waugoshance, and White Shoal, warn shipping from the dangerous reefs and shoals of Waugoshance Point.

see also