
3 unusual facts about Calydon


Close to the city stood Mount Zygos, the slopes of which provided the setting for the hunt of the Calydonian Boar.

Caspar Henry Borgess

In 1859, he was made rector of St. Peter's Cathedral in Cincinnati, and remained there until he was consecrated titular Bishop of Calydon and administrator of Detroit on April 24, 1870.

Lawrence Norfolk

The third novel, In the Shape of a Boar, juxtaposes the flight of a Bukovina Jew in World War II with the legend of Atalanta in Calydon.


Calydon |


Aitoliko was conveniently located with relation to the ancient towns of Pleuron (the name of the son of the mythological father Aetolus comes from along with Kalydon which carries the name of another son) and Oiniadai.


Many inhabitants of the surrounding areas – Kassopaia, Ambracia, parts of Acarnania (including Leukas, Palairos, Amphilochikon, Calydon, and Lysimachia) and western Aetolia – were forced to relocate to the new city.

see also