In his later years he was infamous for his scandalous outbursts: he boasted in a TVE interview with Mercedes Milá about his capability to absorb a litre of water via his anus, offering to demonstrate.
He published two travel books Viaje a la Alcarria (Journey to La Alcarria, 1948), and Del Miño al Bidasoa (From the Minho to Bidasoa, 1952).
His stories deal with a rural imaginary, reflecting the influences of writers like Miguel Torga, Aquilino Ribeiro and Camilo José Cela.
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The novel Secuestro y fonda de Cela en Contamina by José de Cora, is set in the pueblo and recounts a fictional history of the kidnapping of 1989 Nobel Prize winner Camilo José Cela by three local inhabitants.
She began her writing career as a teenager, when Nobel Prize laureate Camilo Jose Cela published her poems in his literary journal, Papeles de son Armadans.
He subsequently hosted many other programs, finally becoming presenter of the interview program A fondo (1976–1981), in which he had the opportunity to interview Salvador Dalí, Jorge Luis Borges, Octavio Paz, Julio Cortázar, Camilo José Cela, Bernardo Bertolucci, Frederick Forsyth, Elia Kazan, Antonio Gala, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Francisco Umbral, Julio Iglesias and Silvio Fanti among others.
Camilo José Cela University (or UCJC) was established in 2000 and it is part of the Educational Institution SEK -Saint Stanislaus Kostka- founded in 1892.