June 10 – Luís de Camões, sometimes rendered in English as "Luis de Camoens", died (born about 1524), perhaps the most highly regarded Portuguese poet
This was followed by Spanisches Theater (2 vols, 1803/1809), in which he presented admirable translations of five of Calderon's plays; and in another volume, Blumensträusse italienischer, spanischer und portugiesischer Poesie (1804), he gave translations of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian lyrics; his translations included works by Dante and Camoens.
Paganel studied The Lusiads of Camoens over six weeks, believing the poem to be written in Spanish.
To support his arguments, Espinosa Medrano refers to, among others, Apuleius, Augustine of Hippo, the Bible, Camoens, Cervantes, Erasmus, Faria, Garcilaso, Homer, Lope de Vega, and Pedro de Oña.
He painted canvases depicting San Vincenzo de Paoli, Parisina, Cristoforo Colombo (Columbus), Byron, a depiction of The Prisoner of Chillon from Byron's poem, Galileo Galilei, Camoens, The Surprised Bather, and the Ultimate Riches.