
3 unusual facts about Campo de Gibraltar

Campo de Gibraltar

Following the capture of Gibraltar by Anglo-Dutch troops in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession and its subsequent cession, in 1713, to Great Britain, the former inhabitants of Gibraltar settled down permanently and the first villages were created: Algeciras, San Roque, and Los Barrios, still for many years officially termed the municipality of Gibraltar.

Eduardo Sáenz de Buruaga

After the war Sáenz de Buruaga served terms as Captain General of Seville, the Balearic Islands; and Governor of Madrid and the comarca of the Campo de Gibraltar.

Willa Vasquez Serfaty

Her work was chosen for a collection of works by artists of the Campo de Gibraltar held in the Spanish institute in Manhattan, New York, which subsequently toured various cities within the United States.

MV Fedra

Spanish sources said that some fuel from the Fedra had washed up on some Campo beaches having drifted as far as Tarifa.

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