
unusual facts about Canada Council for the Arts

David J. Thomson

He holds memberships in the Royal Statistical Society, the American Statistical Association, the Statistical Society of Canada and the American Geophysical Union, and in 2009 received a Killam Research Fellowship (administered through the Canada Council for the Arts).

Independent Filmmakers Cooperative of Ottawa

IFCO receives funding from the Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Arts Council and the City of Ottawa, as well as earned revenues through workshop fees, equipment rentals, fundraisers, and annual membership dues; plus in-kind and/or financial support from foundations, private funders and corporate sponsors.

Julie Andreyev

Her work is support by The Canada Council for the Arts, The British Columbia Arts Council, Foreign Affairs Canada, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Magali Babin

Her works were also made possible with grants from the Inter-Arts Program of the Canada Council for the Arts and from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.

Oscar van Dillen

In April 2009 Continuum Contemporary Music of Toronto premiered 2 Cameras @ Sea, a collaboration between Oscar van Dillen and Canadian filmmaker Clive Holden, commissioned by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Thaddeus Holownia

Holownia has been the recipient of grants and awards from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

The Law of Dreams

The Law of Dreams was the recipient of the 2006 Governor General's Award for English-language fiction, along with a CAN$15,000 prize, awarded by the Canada Council for the Arts.

see also


Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Award, monetary award given by the Canada Council for the Arts to mid-career Canadian artists