
unusual facts about Cantos

Canção do exílio

The poem was published in Dias' book Primeiros Cantos (First Chants), in 1846.

Fernando González Casellas

Tres cantos para el dolor (text by the Chinese poets, Cai Wenji and Xu Zhimo) – premiered April 8, 1981, Auditorio de Belgrano, Buenos Aires; awarded Second Prize, Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación, 1983.

Francisco Javier Alegre

Among them are the "Alexandriadas" (1773, Italy), the "Iliad" in Latin (Rome, 1788), "Homeri Batrachiomachia" in Latin (Mexico, 1789), together with fragments of Horace and a good translation into Spanish of the first three cantos of the "Art Poétique" of Boileau.

Ginevra di Scozia

Ginevra di Scozia is an opera in two acts by Simon Mayr set to an Italian libretto by Gaetano Rossi based on Antonio Salvi's Ginevra, principessa di Scozia, which in turn was adapted from Cantos 5 and 6 of Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso.

John Herman Merivale

He was Robert Bland's principal collaborator in his ‘Collections from the Greek Anthology and from the Pastoral, Elegiac, and Dramatic Poets of Greece,’ London, 1813, In 1814 he published ‘Orlando in Roncesvalles,’ London, a poem in ottava rima, founded on the ‘Morgante Maggiore’ of Luigi Pulci, and in 1820 a free translation in the same metre of the first and third cantos of Niccolò Fortiguerra's Ricciardetto.

Juan Antonio Villacañas

Morales, Rafael, 1965, “Nuevos cantos olímpicos, La Llama entre los Cerezos, by Juan Antonio Villacañas”, Libros de Poesía, Arriba, Madrid, 10 January.

Louis Bouilhet

He was a schoolfellow of Gustave Flaubert, to whom he dedicated his first work, Miloenis (1851), a narrative poem in five cantos, dealing with Roman manners under the emperor Commodus.

Marshall MacDermott

At Argostoli, in the island of Cephalonia, he became acquainted with Lord Byron, who entrusted him with the three last cantos of Don Juan, to be delivered to Sir John Cam Hobhouse, a commission which MacDermott executed, having just then obtained leave of absence in order to visit England.

Salvatore Quasimodo

In that period he devoted himself to the translation of the Gospel of John, of some of Catullus's cantos, and several episodes of the Odyssey.

Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta

Hutton's novel and Charles Emile Yriarte's Un condottiere au XV Siècle (1882) were among the main sources of American poet Ezra Pound's Malatesta Cantos (Cantos 8-11), first published in 1923.

Solar power in Spain

BP Solar begun constructing a new solar photovoltaic cell manufacturing plant at its European headquarters in Tres Cantos, Madrid.

Tres Cantos

Tres Cantos was the Spanish bid host city for the 2018 Ryder Cup.

Unmuzzled OX

The circulation of Unmuzzled OX peaked at 25,000 in the 80s with The Cantos (121-150) Ezra Pound. Regular contributors to Unmuzzled OX included Allen Ginsberg, Andy Warhol, John Cage, Daniel Berrigan, Eugene McCarthy, Margaret Atwood, Denise Levertov, Robert Peters, Robert Creeley and Gregory Corso.

see also